Sunday, December 31, 2006

2.round K.O. loss!!!

I am very sad to say that I lost my fight last night ! I was just starting to figure out what I was going to do with Badr, when he hit me with a clean shot to my left arm. I felt the bone snap and realized that i couldn't use my left hand for anything...After the first round I went back to my corner and told Nitta that I had broken my arm!He looked at me and said "did you break his arm?" No no, I broke my arm!!! Anyway, I did not wait 4 years to end it like this, so I went back in for the second round knowing that it was just a question of time before he figured it out! Anyway, I guess that I am just one unlucky son of a bitch! gotta take some time off again, it's ok I will get him back next time...




Thursday, December 28, 2006




I just wanted to say thank you all for the messages that you have all sent me, it has been a very long road for me to come back to this stage in my life and I am not going to waste this second chance that I have been given. I am so exited about fighting on this show, I am getting a real good vibe from everybody around me and things are just feeling right this time. For those of you that can watch me on TV on the 31st. Don't change the channel! Thank you all for the support until now and please keep supporting me in the new year too.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Monday, December 25, 2006

I AM BACK ! DYNAMITE Osaka Dome 31. Dec.

Dynamite でバダ ハリ選手との試合が決まりました!


I am back in the K-1 !

It has been a long time since I have been able to honestly tell you all what has been going on, but now that the details have been worked out. I am proud to tell you all that I will be making my come back to the K-1 this week in the Dynamite show in Osaka!


Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry X-mas

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Virus on the BBS? ヴィルズが発生しているかな~?

So I get up here in the morning and check my website for any messages, and what do I come upon? A whole bunch of really nice comments on my website, with some funky ass titles! I guess that the virus that are now created to infiltrate systems are being polite. I am amazed at the fact that there are still people out in the world that actually bother themselves by sitting down and creating a computer virus, that can effectively destroy thousands of peoples computers. People loose valuable information daily because of these kind of things. I mean maybe in the corporate world, where data is time and money I could imagine why someone would get involved. But to target private computers, that contain no more than family pictures and cooking recipe's??? Where is the justice in that? I have twice lost all my photo's and cool stuff that I had on my computer, but was lucky enough that I found someone that could repair the damage, and retrieve all the lost data. Anyway, not long to go now, just another couple of days and we will know in which direction that I am moving. I am really exited about next year, and look forward to the things are to come.


ホームページのBBSに朝起きてチェックをしたら、何と礼儀正しいヴィルズ が発生していました。メッセージでは優しいほめ言葉があった上の怪しいタイトル?何の意味か分からないけど、本当に暇人はいるんだな~と思いました。それにして僕のなんでもないホームページにヴィルズを発生させて、何が奪えるようなことまったくないのに。。。それで商売している人がいるのは悲しいです、僕はヴィルズのせいで二回もパソコンのデータを失ったことがあるから。どれぐらいいやなことか分かる、一回目はパソコン自体がこわれてしまったのでかなりお金がかかりました、でもそれは何とかなるじゃない!失ったデータは取り戻せるかの問題は一番大きいです。大切に保存した写真はなくなると本当に寂しいです。それよりも来年の方向性はなんとなく見えてきたもんで、近いうちにそういう話は皆さんに出来るのでもう少し待っててください。


Saturday, December 16, 2006

December ! 12月 !

December is always the hectic month of the year, I find myself feeling in a funny mood. There are birthday's and end of the year party's to attend, people tend to get in that X-mas mood. Everybody loves the light decorations that are all over the city, and then there are the presents that you have to get for your family and friends. It is the time of the year where you get to think a bit more about the people that are close to you. In Japan everybody sends presents to each other in good faith that next year might be as this one. If you have a lot of business friends then that is a lot of money, I prefer to go out and actually meet the people that are most important to me and then hand them a small gift. This year I happened to find some Danish cookies, so I plan to get around and hand them out. But more than all this empty talk, I have been busy training! Two of my fighters Ryo Pettas and Koichi Pettas are fighting next week, so we have been training hard for that. It is after all the last fight of the year and we would like to win, so we can proudly say that we did what we planned to. I myself have getting into the shape of my life, I look great and feel great. I have been eating really good this last couple of months, and I am actually amazed at how it feels and effects your body, by just adjusting the things you eat! Of course there is something that I have been getting ready to do myself, so I have been taking my training pretty serious as well. I hope that soon I will be able to actually tell you about my plans, but let's hang on to that thought a little longer. Last week we had the end of the year party for my team and some of the loyal students that have followed me for the last 5 years, it was really good to see that at times like this we can all still get together and have a good time. We went to a Yakinikku ( Korean BBQ) and everybody pigged out, I had a sore stomach from eating too much, but it was all worth it! Good times with great friends nothing is better than that.


12月になりました、もう今年は後わずかって言うところまで来ています。今年は良かったか悪かったかは何よりもやっぱり12月には入ってから考えるようになる時期です。個人的に今年は良かったと思います、いろんな活動をして家族とたっぷり遊べる時間があったのでいい一年間でした。今年でお世話になった人たくさんいますし、何とみんなに来年もよろしくお願いしますを伝えたいです。最近BBSで”おお~ィニコラス!最近何しているの?”っていう質問がありまして、そうだあの秋田の話から日記をアップしていなかったです。自分はただひたずら練習をしていた、来週RyoKoichi Pettasの試合があるんでスパーリングを毎日やっていた。体は毎日動かしていた理由はもう一つあるんですがいまはまでその話は出来ないです、ま!来週にもしかして?それよりも、この前チームと昔からの生徒さんたちと忘年会をやりました。これはまた気持ちよかったです、うまい肉を食べながらすばらしい友人たちと時間をすごすのは最高でした。来年もよろしくね!昨日は天気すごい良かったからHarley を出してジムに行ったね、これはまた良かったです。X-masの時期になると町のライトアップはやはり素敵です、家族でこれからイルミネーションめぐりに行こうと思うけど。昨年までやっていた原宿のライトアップは見れないとはいえ、かなりX-mas モードになっていますのできれいです。クレープを食べながら原宿で買い物は楽しいです、そこでまた選らないものを買ってしまう自分は何だか分からない けどたのしい。


Monday, November 27, 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006

RYO PETTAS K.O. win in Akita ! K.O. 勝利 in秋田

Just got back from Akita, which is a good 600km drive from Tokyo, and glad to tell you all that Ryo Pettas won his fight by a spectacular knock out. He was up against a more experienced fighter, but nothing was going to stop him yesterday. He had trained hard for the fight and was ready for a war. It was all over almost before it had started, the first round went according to plan and he was showing good motivation. Landing his punches but also taking a few hits, the fight was well matched. Until suddenly out of no where Ryo did a rolling kick and hit the opponent right in the face. One clean shot and it was all over, they had to carry out the guy because he couldn't stand up on his own. What a Knock Out! Well, done. I am going to try and find some pictures somewhere from the show, that I can post later. I was there not just to be the second but I also had a sparring exibition matchup with Nitta, it was really funny to actually have to face him in the ring. I have trained him so much and helped him out so much in his fights in the K-1 and all the other places he has fought, but to actually get to face him was just too weird. Although it is not a real fight, you can't help yourself wondering, what if...all in all it was a good day, I ended up driving 1200km over 2 days. I must admidt that I am glad that he won or all that driving would have been a paid in the a...! :)


昨日夜中1時に家に着いたんです、土曜日から秋田まで車で行ってロッジに泊まって日曜日に試合がありました。初めて出させていただいた大会だったんですけど、秋田のちょう田舎でもキックは燃えていました。自分は新田選手と2ラウンドのエキシビションマッチをやりました、これはまた面白かったです。今までの僕と新田さんの付き合いを振り替えてみると、あれだけスパーリングをやってきたとは言え、あれだけセコンドはやってきたとは言え、昨日はただのエキシビションとは言え。。。彼のリングインを見た瞬間、”ううわああ、新田選手だ~!”って感じしました。非常にいい経験は出来ました、ありがとうございました。お客さんも喜んでくれました、大技をバンバン出して、お互いにミドルキックを蹴り合った時も盛り上がりました!個人的にかなり楽しんでいました、これからも応援をしたいです。個人の話よりも、Ryo Pettas はすごいいい試合をしました、1ラウンドで全部終わりましたが、本当にいいカードでした。相手は身長大きかったけどRyoはスピードがありました、上手い具合にお互いの組み手は取れました。ラスト10秒で回転どうまわし蹴りを出して、いきなりノックアウト!すばらしいかった、この若いRyoは本当にどこまで強くなるのは楽しみです。頑張れよ!RYO PETTASみんな応援しているから!今回Dragon Gym代表佐藤さんにも大変お世話になりました、ありがとうございました。これからもよろしくお願いします!


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Macau Xplosion !

I just spent the weekend in Macau, Peter Graham was fighting on the Macau Xplosion show. It was my second time to visit the gamble Island and I must admidt that because of all the gambling going on there, things move fast. I mean really fast! I was there just 2 years ago and it wasn't anything like what it is today. It was a pleasure to see that that the actual town is still keeping up and at the same time it is all the same. I mean you can meet the local people and have some great time trying to bargain your way to a better price, and then you can go around the corner and get a nice Mocha Frappacino at the local Starbucks! The air is bad, too many cars and bikes that are being brought in from Japan, and most of then would not be allowed on the street in Japan. So this causes a lot of pollution in the air and you feel it in your lungs even after just a few days. I whish they could do something about that, I mean after watching Mr. Al Gore's " An Inconvinient Truth" you start to look at the world with different eyes. I seriously think that there is something going on over there that needs a better look at. I was very impressed by the Hong Kong side, it is nothing like you expect it to be. Classy trains take you right into the center of the city, and the urban look that you have imprinted on your mind from "Enter the Dragon" is totally gone. Now to be replaced with the modern look of a city on the rise, in my mind almost a blend of what Rumania looked liked 10 years ago and Tokyo today! Oh, I almost forgot, the fights...Peter won in the second round on K.O. dropped the guy with lowkicks 3 times and then it was all over. Good warmup for the real deal this weekend, in Aukland where he is fighting Doug Vinnie. I was scheduled to go over there for that one too, but as life has it I have to work here in Japan! Bummer, but my work with him is done, all he has to do now is execute the plan. In the main event we say Clifton Brown try to snatch the title away from Nathan Corbett. But Nathan was just too fast for him, dropped him in the second round with a punch and that was all she wrote. That was his first time to actually defend his WBC world Muay Thai title in the cruiser weight class -86kg's Well done Mate, hope to see you soon again.


マカオに行ってきました、ピーターグラハムはXplosionMacauで試合をすることになっていたので、セコンドとして行かせてもらいました。マカオは今回二回目だった、前回は2年前だった。そのときと今回は大きく町は変わっていました、カジノはふえている、ふえればふえるほど町にお金が入る。お金が入ればどんどん良くなっていく、現在カジノの数は35店ぐらいですが2008か2010年までは65店まで増やす予定です。今回とまっていたカジノの目の前は新しく作るメガーシティーって言うカジノを立て始まっている、それは何と世界一番大きいカジノになる予定です。部屋の数は3000を超えるらしい!本当のメガです。しかし、空気は汚い、息は辛い。鼻とのどはかれる、のどはすぐに痛くなった。あまり外で歩かないほうがいいような気がした、しかしセンターには普通の町はあります。普通に買い物が出来るのでそのギャップは面白かったです。ちょっとした裏道に入れば別な世界は待っているので、そこは英語は使えないけど金では何とかなる。また、ほとんどどの店に行っても値段を高く言っているので値下げをお願いすれば、下げてくれるんだ。何も買う気がなくっても下げてくれるのも面白いです。まーあの町は5年したら全然違うと思いますが、まだまだ今は可愛い街って感じです。そうだ!大会の話。。。ピーターはもちろんK.O.勝ち、2ラウンドでローキック3回ゆうき選手をたおしまして。K.O.でした、思うような試合はこびかたじゃなかったため、いろいろと反省点があったから今週のK-1に向けてちょうどいい経験は出来たんじゃないかと思います。メインではネーザン コーベット選手のWBCぼうえいせん、これも2ラウンドでK.O.勝ち、何といってもネーザンはかっこいいです。早く日本での試合は見たいです。


Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Xplosion in Macau this Saturday


Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Shizuoka Sumo! 静岡相撲大会!



Recently my company sponsored a Sumo tournament in Shizuoka, so I spent 2 days there with all the other Sumo wrestlers. It was a really nice Hotel, with old style traditional Onsen(hot springs) And it was quite the experience to be in a place filled with real sumo wrestlers, I mean it didn't matter where you went you would bump into someone. Waiting at the elevator and then getting in the elevator, someone would be there, getting out you would meet someone and then taking a bath the place was filled with big guys. It made me feel really fit and small, it was great. It was really the first time that I have ever felt small in Japan. if I go on a train my head is above most and generally walking down the street I am pretty big in Japan. Back in Denmark I am pretty short and most of my highschool friends are taller than me, but in Japan I have a good size. So you can guess how it was to actually feel small being in Japan! They get up real early those guys, we made our way to the Budo hall just after 6 and by then the training was full on. The first thing we saw was guys in Mawashi's walking around the hall outside, and then once inside all the wrestlers were going for it at each other. And that training just kept going on and on all morning. By 8:00 AM. the doors were opened and the people started coming in, by nine the place was packed and the training just kept going on and on. The didn't finish until after 11:00, and by then all the wrestlers had been up there getting dirty and sweaty. The Grand Champion is from Mongolia and his name is Asasyoryu, when he walks in there is a mayor change in the whole atmosphere. It is almost like you know that the Champ is there, people perk up and stretch their necks to get a better look, the other wrestlers pump up the notch in the training. It was just great to see the whole thing. It was my first time to see it all like that, and I felt really priviledged. I have been lucky enough to actually meet quite a few of the Grand Champions, but it was the first time for me to actually see it up close and live like that. It gave me a whole new kind of respect for the Sumo. I actually wanted to become a sumo wrestler when I was younger, I thought that I might try to enter after I had finished the Karate Uchi Deshi...But by the time I had finished, there was a lot of controversy about the strong foreing wrestlers and I was so caught up in the Karate fighting that I had pushed my dream aside. But seeing it again, I think it could have been really fun. You never know where life is going to take you, sitting here in my house writing this makes me think about how true that really is. I wonder how I ended up here, and still think about what is to come and where I will be 5 years from now. Maybe even 10 years! But that is the pleasure of living, there is always a challenge around the corner, and I am not about to say no to a good old fashioned challenge. Thank you all Sumo wrestlers for making me see that there is so much more to life, and no matter how many times they knock you down all you really can do is just get back up and dust yourself off and try again.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Halloween is coming !

皆さん、ハローウィーンはやってきます、ちなみに ハローウィーンって何なのか分かりますか?昔は夏の一番最後の日として、亡くなった人に大切をする日だった。それと家には悪いスピリットは入ってこないように、パンプキンに怖い顔を彫って家の外におきました。今は子供のためにTrick or Treatって言うってキャディーをもらえる夜になった。昨日うちでは初めてパンプキンに顔を彫ってみました、ちょっと暗くしてみたらこんな写真はとれました!


Halloween is coming and with it comes all the fun and play, last night we tried to make our first Pumpkin face. With all the lights out and the special lens on the camera it came out like this!!! Pretty scary huh...!


Thursday, September 28, 2006

Nice Kick !

Saturday, September 23, 2006

2Round TKO. HEAT 2nd. 日本での復活!

Just got back to Tokyo, and it feels good to come home, yesterday I won my fight in HEAT 2nd. And although there was so many obstacles getting to the actual fight, I made it there in one piece and came home with a trophy! Winning was everything this time, I needed the win to show everyone here in Japan that I can fight. It was a good ring and the crowd was really pleased with the fight. The guy I fought was a lot bigger than me, so I thought that it might be a bit awkward but things turned out just alright. I hurt him good in the first round with my kicks, and then he didn't have much in the second round. It was just a question of time before I dropped him and he did go down, after coming up the second time his corner threw in the towel. And then it was all over, he did come after me with some big flying knees and things but I could see it all coming and just moved out of the way. It was just great to back in the ring in Japan, I really missed it.

今東京に帰ってきた、家でゆっくりとMoto GPを見ながら昨日の試合を振り返ってみた。やっぱり日本で試合するのは一番気持ちいいです。この前はSydneyで試合したばかりですけど、ケガは無かったのでそのまま練習を続くことは出来ました。最近は誰かが毎週試合があって本当に忙しかったです、二週前にRyo君が試合をして勝った、その前にKoichi君がMARSで勝った、先週はPeter K-1Oceania でAndrew Peck に勝った今週俺は勝った。最近本当にいい感じでTEAM SPIRITは活動している、このまま続けたいです。あれだけずーと練習をしてやっと楽しくなった。日本で試合をするのは、4年と3ヶ月です。。。長かったです。その間にいろいろがあって!だからこぞ試合は楽しみだった。あたたかい会場でリングに入って、帰ってきたって感じだった。もっと強くなったニコラスは長い旅から帰ってきた!みんなにありがとう、という一言だけは言いたいです。昨日セコンドをやってくれたハマダさんは何と11年間の付き合いがあって、初めてセコンドについてくれた!俺の練習相手として11年間をずーと付き合ってくれた本当にいいやつです。昔は空手の世界大会に向けて頑張ったときからずーとです。だれも追い込んでくれないときにハマダさんがいつも支えてくれたんだ、こういう話はたくさんありますが、とにかく試合が出来て、しかも勝って本当にうれしかったです。


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Heat 2 試合決定!


第8試合 メインイベント予定


Heat 2

place: Aichiken Budo Kan
Tel: 052-654-8541
Date:September 23rd. Saturday
Time: Fights Start 16:00
Scheduled for the fight the Main Event


Monday, September 18, 2006


昨日NZから帰ってきました、Peter Graham選手はK-1 Oceania 予選大会第2でAndrew Peck選手と試合が決まっていたため一緒にAuklandまで行きました。最近は海外に行くようになってからきついたことがありまして、日本語がうてる もしくは日本語が読めるパソコンは無いです。そしてBlogをアップしたくっても英語でしか出来ないです、だから話はちょっと何日遅れるけど。Peter は2ラウンドでK.O.勝ちしました、1ラウンドではお互いにローキックをけりあっていた。そして最後の10秒でPeterのみぎフックが入ってなんぱっ つか連続撃ったけど倒れなかった。2ラウンドはコンビネーションを中心でローキックまでつけたら、相手はきれいに倒れました。みんなにほめられてケガをせ ずに帰ってこられて良かったです。自分はNZにいくのは初めてだったのでいろいろと楽しみにしていたら、結局ホテルから出ること無かったのでぜんぜん面白 くなかったです、自分も試合が近いから本当にホテル内のジムと部屋とレストランを一日何回行ったか覚えてないです。ま~俺も相手を倒してすこしゆっくりす ればいいかなと思います。体調は最高にいいです、早く戦いたいです。それと俺がNZに行っている間にXplosionはSRSで放送されたのを聞いてうれ しくなった、しかしあれは1ラウンドで相手を倒したことになっていたけど。。。本当は3ラウンドだった!でも、放送してくれただけでうれしかったです。 やっぱり今の新人は僕のこと知らないな~と思った、ニコペタ!って、いいんじゃない。。。?

ニコラス (ニコペタ)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

2nd. round K.O. Win for Peter Graham!

It was a good fight, Peter looked good in the first round although taking a few low kicks he didn't rush into anything. And coming out in the second round, he started flowing really well and some great lowkicks sent Andrew to the mat, the last things that got him was a well placed combination of hands followed by a strong kick. Andrew was hitting Peter with his lowkicks, and trying to work that angle but in the second round Peter just seemed to find his pace and once the combinations started flowing, there was not much to do. The event was actually broadcasted on the net and showed on National NZ TV ch.2, so it is getting a lot of attention over here. There was a good crowd and a great atmosphere in the Trust Stadium. Now it is back to Japan tomorrow and then I am on a show in Nagoya this coming Saturday!


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Auckland K-1 Peter Graham Vs. Andrew Peck

Yes, I am in Auckland right now with Peter, we just got here today! It is my first time in New Zealand, so I am pretty exited about the whole thing. But at the end of the day it is just another fight show, we came over on the same airplane as Andrew and the actually spent some time catching up. They are both big boys, so seeing them together you can just imagine how the fight is going to be. Lot's of great energy, Peter is trained well for the fight and we just can't wait to get it on. I will keep you posted on what happens. Apart from that I watched this movie called "An inconvenient Truth" with Al Gore coming over here on the plane, and it moved me in a way I cannot explain. I mean the way it puts GLOBAL WARMING into perspective I am impressed that we can't just all get together and make this happen. I am a changed man since I saw it, I want to make this a better place and it gives you the message that, we all matter. It is all the small efforts that are going to make the bigger change, and that we need to start now before it is too late. I mean the issue has almost been ridiculed in the media, but the facts are not to be fooled around with. And the speak lound and clear about the extreme changes that our environment has been undergoing in just the last 50 years!!! Everyone who might be interested in any more of this watch the movie and join the cause. please help me, help yourself, and most important of all help your children! Their future depends upon us to start acting now, even the small things will make and have an impact on how we are going to spend our next 50 years...Global Warming is a real issue that needs to be addressed, and needs to be addressed right now.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

2700 grams of pure life!

Today this morning the baby finally arrived, it was a long hard night for all of us but when it finally was over it was more than we could have hoped for. She came to the world around 11:00 o'clock today, and although we couldn't actually be there we were all hanging on waiting by the phone. I got called in this morning around 6:00 AM, and once I got to the hospital they told me that only immediate family were allowed inside...Feeling a bit sad about that I decided to drive home and spend the morning with my girls. So I made breakfast and had coffee with Keito, we watched a bit of TV and spoke about when the baby would come. After taking her to school I went back to bed and slept in until I got the message. Then we all drove out to the hospital and saw her, she was so small and cute. My girls were very exited about it all, and seeing a newborn baby for the first time since Angelina was born, was quite something. I almost miss having a small baby around the house...I said almost, if I had to go over it all once more, I don't know what I would do. But above all else, babies are so innocent and they have a whole life ahead of them. It is like a new beginning, a fresh start, life in it's purest essence. My friend、 well done!


今日の午前中に友人の小さな女の子が生まれました。何と2700グラムしかなかったです、生まれる前にお母さんのお腹をみてもうすぐ生まれるんだ よって考 えると不思議な感じです。さっき会いに行ってきました、本当に可愛いです。うちの子たちも一緒に行ってみてきました、何かうちの子たちもあんなに小さかっ たのかな~?片手で抱っこできる。。。今は一番したの子だってもうすぐ4歳になる、話せるようになってあっという間におきくなるから今の顔を良く覚えない と忘れる。新しい人生が始まる、子供も親も改めて再出発、さー頑張るんだよ!幸せに。。。


Monday, September 11, 2006

9.11 What a day to pick, 9.11まさか今日ですか?



9.11 is a day that we will all remember, it has become a day for taking extra care to be together with the People that are important for you. I hope that is one of the reasons for choosing this day of all others to choose from, that a friend of mine's baby has decided to come out and greet the world. I am just about to drive out to the hospital now, so hopefully I can give you all some good news soon...


Tuesday, September 5, 2006

The Winds of God, Kamikaze!

Finally the movie came out, and although I have been busy with training and being in Auissie-land I found the time to swing by the movie thearters yesterday and pick up a poster and pamplet. It brings back so many good memories, being on the set and working with all the guys there. Everyone were so passionate about the movie, I love movies, I love watching them and more than anything I love working on them. Acting is like the cream on the cake it's the best topping anyone could want. On a movie set everyone is working so hard to get the story right and everyone does their best, not because they are told to but because they truly want to. I don't know if there is any future for me in acting, but I would love to do more movies. Sorry for being so late in letting everyone know that the movie was out, but if you are quick then you can still catch it In Ikebukuro's Metropolitan Plaza until the 8th.


遅くなって申し訳ありません、もう映画館で上映中です!Winds of God、神風!僕は練習と試合でいろいろと忙しかったため、今になってきずきました。池袋メトロポリタンプラザの中の映画館でやっています、昨日はHISに用があって行ってみました。ポスターやパムフレットを手に入れて、胸が熱くなりました。いい思い出ばかりでした、今井さんをはじめみんなの情熱はたっぷり伝わる映画です。何と僕とWayne DosterさんはNew YorkとL.A.での撮影は忘れられないです。当時みんな家族感覚で一生懸命ストリーを伝わるため最高のチームになって、映画つくりに夢中でした。そういうチームワークは映画の現場ではいつもあるとはいえないけどやっぱり今井さんのよさでみんなをひっぱってくれたおかげだと思います。やっと完成が出来て、やっと映画館で見れてうれしいと思います。おめでとうございます!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Pictures from XPLOSION


遠いところまで行って試合をして帰ってきて普通に疲れました、しかし勝って帰ってきたから気持ちよかったです。試合は皆さん っていう新しいサイトでは生で見れることが出来るってのは試合の前の日になって初めて分かった!すいません、オーストラリアで日本語がうてるパソコンはなかったため、今になって日本語の日記をアップしています。自分の試合はかなりきつかったですけどどこもケガ無く今日から練習を普通にやっています、次は名古屋で試合があるんです。今度日本での試合ですので、日本のお客さんの前で試合をするのは4年ぶりです。非常に楽しみです。オーストラリアは今冬ですけどあれは冬ってはいえないと思う、毎日天気はよくって皆普通にゴルフやサーフィンをしていました。Sydneyで新しい友達たくさん出来て、試合は上手くいって本当にいいたびだった。成田で飛行機から降りた瞬間、これは夏だ~と思いました。朝の6時45分でもう26℃、暑いね日本はもう夏は終わりだと思ったのに、だいぶ遅れたね。そして、向こうに行っている間に東京の電気はしばらく落ちたって?そのせいでうちの海水魚はみんな死んでしまった。。。生きていたのはスッポン亀と普通亀だけだった、寂しい、泣き!僕の弟コウイチ ぺタス、は今週の土曜日に試合をすることになったのでよかったら見に来てください!MARSで韓国人と決まったです。


Friday, August 18, 2006

3rd. Round K.O. !

What a fight it was, I take my hat off for Eric he gave everything he had and I gave everything I had. In the second round I took a lot of punishment, but although it might have looked worse than it actually was, I was just taking my time and waiting for his onslaught to wear off a bit. I must have miscalculated because he kept coming...Anyway, I got my chance in the 3rd. round and droped him with some nice shots to the chin. And when the referee called the fight over I was very much releived. It was a tuff fight and I learned a lot from it, just have to keep up the good work. Now I have a couple of days off where I can get som eshopping done and maybe go for a trip on the Ocean with some of my friends. They call it winter here, but this is like a nice spring day in Denmark! And now that I won I want to feel good about myself and the team, catch you all next week.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Log on to the this website and join, then you can watch the fights for just 7 U$!!!



Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Redfern Gym ! Sydney.

Yesterday and today we worked out at the Redfern Gym, it has been the gym where Peter Graham has been training for the last 7 years. His trainer Alex Tui runs the gym there and has been really nice to welcome us all in there. We had some great training, the gym is a real old school style gym. Music is loud and the atmosphere is like a scene out a Rocky movie. Everyone is really friendly and when we were working out they would come over and see us kicking the pads. It was really nice to feel the energy in the gym and meet some of the guys that work out there. I ended up seeing some of them sparring and they were really going for it, I could tell why so many champions have come out that gym. Alex has brought Peter up to the standards that has taken him to the top of the world in Kickboxing and it was really nice to meet him and see how he really is part of the comunity. Well, just a couple of days before Friday night now, gotta go to bed.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Down Under !

Just flew in yesterday, the weather is great! I mean if this is what they call winter here, then that is awesome. I felt inspired and went and got myself a haircut Aussie style, I think it looks good but you are going to have to check it out later when I get some pictures taken. Peter Graham, Will Riva and I all came down on the same flight, and we were all lucky enough to get 4 seats all the way here. So we came here quite relaxed. today we went to the Centinniel Park, and did some training. It was awesome to see that kids are riding around om horses, and bicycles even roller blades. Everyone was having a great time, we all loved the park and might go back tomorrow for another session. I will try and keep you posted on how things are going, but so far it is just great here.


Saturday, August 5, 2006

Yahoo NEWS !

LINK もよかったらチェックしてください!

Check out the LINK !

今日本当に熱いです! What a day!

朝起きて外に顔出したら暑さに驚きました。昨日は花火大会に行って暑いな~と思いましたけど、これはまた違うです。今日ハーレーを洗車してちょっと走りたいって気分でした、新しく買ったパワーホーズで思いっきりバイクを洗いました。あまりにも暑いので上半身を裸になって洗いました、意外と日に焼けるかも。バイク、車自転車は全部きれいになったとき、自分は汗だらけでシャワーを浴びました。そして、バイクに乗ってすごし飛ばしました。エンジン調子最高で本当に気持ちよかったです、バイクはきれいになって自分もきれいになって、何の目的がない走りって言うのはいいですね!来週はSydneyに行ってもうすぐ試合です、本当に楽しみです。体もマインドも最高です、今回も勝ちに行きます。本当は試合が近いと体は練習のおかげさまで最高に疲れるので練習以外のことはほとんど出来ない、けど今回はずーとお正月から戦う体を作っていたのでかなり自身あります。後は試合で思い切りぶつけて勝ちに行けばいいと思っている。Live to Ride, Ride to Live!


It was so hot getting out of the house today, it felt like an assault on my face when I stepped out into the 35 degrees Celsius. The heat hits you like a curtain in the face, and that's when I knew what I had to do. I had to try out my power jet water washer, just arrived last Thursday! So I pulled out my Harley and the car and got down out right dirty, to the tunes of the old 70's movie Car Wash ! When I was done with my bikes and car, even the kids bikes I was drenched in sweat. So I hit the shower, now I was clean, my bike was clean and it is a perfect day. Nothing was going to hold me back from taking my Hog for a spin, and man does it feel good. Next week we are flying down to Sydney to get ready for the fight next week, and I am feeling really good about the whole thing. I have been training to fight right since the beginning of the year, and although several shows have already been cancelled or the police closed down the last show due to the shootings, I have been on track all year, so this is just going to be the topping on the cake to finally get to fight in the ring. Today was just one of those days where everything felt right and taking my bike out on the streets was just what I needed, Live to Ride-Ride to Live!


Sunday, July 30, 2006

Koichi Pettas Win! コウイチ ぺタス 勝ち!

It is hot then it is cold, then hot then rainy...I can't figure out the weather in Japan this season. It can't seem to make it's mind up if it wants to be hot or just rainy! Yesterday, I took the family to Shinagawa Aquarium, and honestly it was kind of a let down. I mean we were wrong in going there on a Sunday in the first place, but still we had hoped it would be a bit more fun than that. Once you have been to Hakkeijima Sea Paradise then you really don't want to go to some second rank place packed with people. The tanks were not clean and the whole place just didn't have that feel of the overwhelming power that the Ocean seems to have. They did have the new Sealion house, which was sort of nice. I felt it a bit small for the Sealions but they seemed pretty happy and content swimming around upside down. Then after that it was off to Omori Gold's Gym to help out Koichi in his first Main Event fight against Aoyagi! He was nervous this time, something that he doesn't normally get but it being the main event must have played a few tricks with his mind. He did really well, never really in any kind of trouble but Aoyagi fought a bit different than we had expected so he had a hard time catching him. He got a few times good but couldn't drop him. He took the fight easily winning 30-28 from all judges, and that put him in the lead. It was a good experience for him to fight in the main event, and now that things are starting to get a bit more serious the fighters that he is facing are also getting better, but he is living up to it and another win for the Team Spirit felt great.


昨日品川水族館に初めて行って見ました、正直に言うとかなりショックでした。やっぱり八景島SEA PARADISEと話にならないです!都内では精一杯かも知らないけど、僕たちはみんな八景島まで足を運んだほうがよっぽど楽しめると思います。でも、外の公園はよかったです、弁当を作っていってそこで湖に泳いでいた魚に米をあげながら食べるのは楽しかったです。それと新しく出来たアザラシ館はちょっと小さかったけど館内のエレベーターは面白かったです。その後夕方大森GOLD’S GYMで何とKOICHI PETTAS の初メイン イベントを手伝いに行きました。今回は青柳選手と戦うことが決まったので、回りからのきたえが大きかったと思います。初めてプレシャーって言うものを感じたかな~?あまり本調子が出なかったけど第二、三ラウンドはうまくいって結果的に30-28で判定勝ちました。すごくいい経験は出来たと思います。TEAM SPIRITの勝利は気持ちよかったです。


Monday, July 24, 2006

Power from the Mountain! 富士山の力!



Recently my Mother was in Japan visiting, and one day we had decided to drive down to Mount Fuji to try and catch a glimpse of the famous mountain, but things were not looking too good. Still in the middle of the rainy season, and the weather being really clouded with a bit of rain mixed into it. I had already given up hope of seeing the mountain before leaving Tokyo. But we had made the plans and therefore we were going, there are lot's of things to do down there anyway. On the Highway I took a wrong turn and that ended up taking us way around the mountain pass and more than 40 KM's further down the road. This proved to OK since we were able to visit a small farm and go Peach hunting. The peaches were big round and full of juice, we all really enjoyed the trip there, but it didn't give us any signs as to if we were going to see Mount Fuji, as we had to come down from the fields because it started to rain...We drove on after savagely devouring the peaches offered, and made our way towards the Kawaguchi Lake. When we got out of the tunnel and supposedly the Mountain comes into view, there was nothing but clouds. I can't believe it. This was the 3 or 4th. time I had driven down there and not been able to see it. With our hearts feeling a bit blue, we made our way across the bridge that goes right through the Lake, when suddenly it started clearing up and there amongst the mist Mount Fuji loomed out and showed us her true face! It was like a scene out of one of the best anime. After that we spent all afternoon driving to different spots and taking pictures, in the end I decided that we were going to go to the base of the mountain and climb it a bit. But not knowing the way and running out time because the sun was going do we ended up at this closed down ski resort, and this was the last picture of the day...


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bicycle rider ! 自転車 ライダー!

Yes, it is true, at the age of 4 years 11 months and about 20 days, my second daughter has broken the family record of riding bicycles. She has mastered the art of riding! Just this last Monday afternoon, Keito her older sister didn't start riding until she was 5 years and 4 months. Pretty good, congratulations girl ! Now let's go riding together.




Saturday, July 8, 2006

Art 芸術 Tattoo 入れ墨 Culture 文化

I must admidt that I am amazed by the intense interest in the subject of Tattoo's, first I would like to point out that Tattoo's have been part of all cultures at some stage in more or lesser degrees. From the Aboriginies in Australia to the Maui's on the Islands, to the Vikings in the North to the Idians in the South America's. Every culture has a some stage been deeply engaged in body modifications to certain extends. These days it seems that everyone has a Tattoo, even women have them now in much broader aspect than ever before. It has become a fashion for most people, it is like bying a ring that you never will part with. I feel that using your own skin as a canvas for creations of art is a very big decision to make. I feel that if you want to have a Tattoo done then it should mean something to you, not to anyone else. Hence the reason for me not being able to decide what I want. I can relate it to my custom bikes, today I feel like this kind of color and then next month I want something else...Last month I bought some new mirrors and this month I feel that I need a new pair of handle bars! It never stops, and I see that with people that have Tattoo's too, once they get one they almost always end up getting one or more after. So, I am just waiting for the right thing and time to do it. I also know that having Tatoo's as my friend Hiro has, has made his life very complicated. It is a kind of branding that you are given at first expression, it can be compared to racism. I have felt that first hand, many times in Japan, when being told straight to my face "Oi Gaijin...." And then whatever follows after that is just not worth writing about. But once people realize that you speak the language everything changes and doors that were closed now become wide open. With Tattoo's there are many doors that are closed, and no matter how humble or sincere you come across those doors stay closed. I know it has never been easy for Hiro to live in a country like Japan where the color of his skin is the constant reminder of the work he does. I don't even see the Tattoo's on him when I look at him anymore. Often we talk about it, because where ever he goes it becomes a easy topic. But once you get to know him, you will find out that he is truly an amazing person.
I see on the BBS that people still have some serious oppinions about what others do to their bodies, but why bother at all? Live and let live, we are entitled to do what ever we like. Who is to say what is correct, or what is wrong and what is right. I know many people that wear suits and are simply rotten to the core, but because they wear a suit does it make them correct. No, what I am trying to say is we as a people must learn to see the person inside, because it is not what we wear or what color our hair or skin is that matters, it is our actions that speak louder that anything else. So stay true to yourself and be honest to your friends then I am sure you will find happiness and riches in the world around you. What are we really talking about here, a bit of ink on the arms...


最近入れ墨話でBBSが熱くなっています、皆さん、坂を上っていきましょう。昔からどこの国にもありました、オーストラリアのアボリジニーからハワイのマウリーから日本のヤクザ、北極のバイキングからアメリカのインディアンから南米のインカまでどこの国に行っても体を使ってステータスのアピールや美しさを求めて入れ墨は使われていた。なので文化です!現在、世界中で若い人たちはファッションとしてよくいれることがあります、ちょう大物スター(Angelina Jolie, Nicolas Cage,他)も入れているのはほとんどです。しかし、日本では入れ墨の悪いイメージはヤクザの関係があります、それでも売れているタレントでも入れているひとたくさんいます、Chemistryのボーカルの一人、すみませんなまえは知らないです。たしかに日本で生活するのに困るときはあると思います、よくぶつかることはプールに入りたいと思うとか、サウナに行きたいと思うとき。後は一番キツイのは初対面で人の話を聞いてくれないのは一番困ると思います。その体に入れた芸術のせいで本人のことを見てくれない人はたくさんいます、自分はヒロさんとあう時は全然墨に目が行かないです。その話をしないと目に入らないです。本人はいろんな苦労をしたと思います、未だに友達を作るのに苦労するし。その選んだ仕事のせいでかなり差別を受けなければならないのは辛いと思います。僕は人生は自由で生きたいです、墨を入れたから何?自分のひふ、自分の体です、自分は決めることだと思います。僕はスーツを着ているサメたくさん知っています、そのサメたちよりも真剣に付き合ってくれる友達のほうは大切にしたいです。最終的に誰が決めるんですか?これは正しいとこれは間違い?これは正しいって言っている人たちは人のお金を集めて、銀座の飲み屋でフィーバーですよ!今はそういう国です。だからこぞ見た目で人を見ちゃ駄目だと思います、行動を見て判断したほうがいいと思います。人間の行動は何よりもその人間の性格は分かります。だってこれは何の話ですか?腕にちょっとした絵が書かれただけの話じゃないですか。。。


Friday, June 30, 2006

Jan Nortje Tattoo

Just a few days ago my friend Jan Nortje came to Japan, the just had the K-Max yesterday, and he had decided to get another Tattoo done by Hiro! Anyway, I swung by while they were doing it. It looks like a really hard thing to do, I am always impressed by the way Hiro works. This is what it looked like when they had just finished it up!


どうですか?ノルキャ選手の新しいスミ?ちょっと分かりにくいですけど、僕の友人ヒロさんがこの前掘りました。すごい細かいです、よくあんなアートを人間のひふに写せるな~と思います。本当にすばらしいです、最近自分も欲しくなった。。。ただ何にするかまったく決まらないです!個人的に入れ墨よりもJan のおなかが気になるけど。。。:)本人は日本語読めないからかけます!


Thursday, June 29, 2006

It's summer! クーラーがこわれたら!!!

We have already taken out the kids pool and are having BBQ's at my house, it is hot in Japan today. When I say hot I mean really hot, it is really hot to ride my bike it is hot to run in the park, it is hot training in the gym...Man, summer in Tokyo is seriously not fun, I just feel like jumping in a big outdoor pool somewhere. At least I am getting a bit of a tan from spending so much time out side. It's like this during the winter, I can't wait for it to warm up so I can ride my bike in a T-shirt. But then when the summer is here I just can't stand it, and just want to get out of here...Let me tell you about the summer when I had a broken leg and the only means for getting around was my car, and it so happened that the cooler in the car had broken down!!! I could not get it fixed, man it was one itchy leg to have in a cast during those kind of drives...Or the first summer I spent in Japan in the Young Lions Dormitory, 14 guys in one room right below the stone tile roof, had to sleep in my track suit in case someone called you or we had to defend the Dojo from attackers. Windows with no moscuito net's on them so when you finally did fall asleep from exaution, some bug would buzz in your ear and bite you and wake you up! The one fan hanging from a piece of string on the wall, would lazily swing from side to side and that 2 seconds of nice breeze would hit you like a slize of heaven every 14 seconds...It get's really hot in Tokyo during the summer. People actually die from the heat over when it get's really bad. Over the last 15 years I can remember at least 10 cases of kids dying of heat and thirst from being left in their parents cars, while they themselves are found gambling Pachinko...Like I said it get's really hot.



Tuesday, June 27, 2006 三回びっくりしました!

Blogのアップが遅れてすいません、先週の火曜日に銀座のSWINGって言う店に知り合いと行きました。明日友達のライブに行くけど一緒に行かないって言ういきなりの誘えがありました。俺も何も知らずに簡単いいよって言う答えを出しました。ライブはこの前のRolling Stones以外です、僕はライブに行くタイプじゃないですけど。。。っていう話をしおと思いました、けどSWING(銀座西2-2、03-3563-3757)は小さいなJAZZのライブハウスです。僕は知り合いと近くで待ち合わせをしました。うん!ちょっと行こうよ!って言う感じで2Fに行きました、JAZZか~?と思いました、練習もさっき終わったばかりで何よりもおなかすいていた。。。Jambalayaとから揚げをたのんで見ました、まず、一回目のびっくり!料理はおおおいいいしいいいです!ただ単純腹が減っていたからじゃなくって、本当においしかったです。そして、ミキさんに紹介されました、すごく親切な方だなと思いました。お客さん一人ひとりに声をかけて、みんなに親しく出来るような場を作りました。僕は知らなかったですけど東京でのライブは初めてだった、普段は大阪で活動しています。コンサートは始まりました、先にバンドだけは曲を弾いていました。なかなかよかったです。そしてミキさんが登場しました、ちょっと緊張をしていたかな?でも、歌はいきなりラテン語でバラードでした!この人は何人ですか?っておもわせる発音はきれいです!2回目のびっくりでした。歌を一曲一曲の間はフリートークを挟んでいくので、その人間性と話しかたでお客さんのハートを二回目つかむ力を見せてくれました。僕も話を聞いてて面白いなーと思いながら。。。いきなりSalsaのリスムの話からボクサーサイズの話まで、何と俺の紹介まで入れてくれました!三回目のびっくりでした。帰りにいろんな人に頑張ってくださいね!最後にコンサートは終わったときに、挨拶をしまして。また、行きたいなーと思いました、皆さんよかったら今度東京でコンサートをやるときにそこであいましょう!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It's never enough!

Inspired by an entree in my BBS section, I have decided to write in my BLOG. Do I truly live in the past, maybe at times I do live in the past, but let me tell you why I keep being stuck there. I need closure. Do you know what closure is? It means that you finally have some kind of way to finish something you have started. My wife bought me a really cool puzzle the other day, it was made of 540 pieces. And it was meant to end up as a ball...I mean have you ever tried to make a puzzle that ends up as a ball? It was a picture of Ariel and King Triton, from the Disney characters. I had seen them enough to know what they looked like, but this was different! I ended up spending every night of a week just to finish it...And so did my wife. I would go to bed early because I would be too tired to continue, and then my Wife would take over. It was like a competition, who was going to put in the most pieces or something like that. So I decided that next time we get a puzzle like that, we are going to get 2 of them and then start and spend the same amount of time on the puzzle. Just to determined who is the Master! I am not sure what I wanted to tell you, but it felt good to just write things down that where on my mind. It's almost like a pensive in the Harry Potter book's...You go figure it out if you don't know what I am talking about.


Thursday, June 8, 2006

Mrs. Oyama's Funeral 



Just got back from the funeral now, sitting here in front of my computer reflecting over the past few days. It was such an emotional event, seeing the Family again under these circumstances was a lot harder than I had first thought. I almost burst into tears when I looked Kikuko in the eyes. It has been such a hard time for everyone since Sosai has passed away, and Mrs. Oyama has been so sick these last few months. But today when I layed eyes on her, she looked at total peace. There was a most sincere feeling about her and once again, I felt humbled. Being in the company of this family just gives you life. I whish that I could have done something, I whish that I could have been there more. I don't know what I whish, but I certainly had some time to think about my life from a different angle. When they opened the coffin and I first lay eyes on her, I noticed that someone had placed one of Sosai's favorite hat's at her feet. At that moment I wept, it was just truly the right thing to do. Thinking that she would now take this hat with her into heaven and bring it to him, I can just imagine them walking hand in hand with Sosai wearing that hat. Everything just seems like it has been on hold, I feel like I have slipped through time and somehow ended up here at the wrong place. I mean, how did I get to this point at this time in my life, it just doesn't feel right. Last night I got drunk with my wife and we stayed up real late talking about Sosai and all the things I/we have been through together. I have been with her right from the beginning, since I was 21, she came with me to Europe and helped me become the European Champion, and she had just given birth to my second baby girl when I won the K-1 Japan title. So I know how it is to be with someone that you truly care for, and I know how it is to have that kind of a back bone in your life. I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to loose that, so today I feel like living. All the best to you, Mrs. Oyama.


Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Oyama Chiako R.I.P.

Today earlier this morning Oyama Masutatsu's wife Mrs. Oyama passed away, I have know her for more than 15 years. She was always a kind and caring Motherly figure, she often spent time in the Dojo hanging out with her sister whom had been working at the office for many years. These last few years have been very hard on her, after Sosai had passed away she has been stuck in the middle of great storm raging around her. The results speak for them selves, since the name of Kyokushin no longer bears the same strength it did while Sosai still lived. Organizations that even today continue to crumble apart due to greed and selfishness of certain individuals, are the proof that when he passed away so did the empire that he had left behind. It pains me daily to see the development of each organization, when at the very heart of Kyokushin there seems to be so little support. I felt very emotional when hearing that she passed away, and honestly I hope that she will find more peace now that she has know for the better part of her life. I feel often that people underestimate the value of what a good wife is to a man. She was as much a building stone for Sosai's Kyokushin as was he, if I am not mistaken then I can with confidence tell you that Sosai was as passionate about her when they first met as he was about becoming the best fighter in the world. I feel that in life you must be passionate about what you do in order for it to come alive, I also feel that Mrs. Oyama was the point of passion that kept Sosai going when all else failed, right from the beginning she was there by his side, to the public as a silent supporting beam. Mrs. Oyama I will miss you with all my heart, I hope and pray that you may at last find peace and joy by joining back with the man of your life.
Osu Nicholas

今朝、大山総裁の奥様が亡くなられました、聞いて非常に淋しく思いました。僕は1991年本部道場の内弟子として入門してからの付き合いがありまして。もちろん、総裁の奥様だと思いながら何でも手伝うことはしましたが、本当に素敵な方でした。われわれ、内弟子をいつもよくしてもらいました、自宅に交代ばんで行ったときは食事をよいしていただきましたし。別に僕たちに気を使う必要ないのに人間性がよくって、逆に僕たちは学ぶことはたくさんありました。現在の極真を見るとやはり総裁の名を使ってお金やほかのものを求めている人がたくさんいます、僕は極真をやめてから一度もそんなことした事はないです。独立してから僕はニコラス空手に変えましたし、たしかに大山総裁に教わった空手しか知らないけど、僕は今違う道を歩んでいるし。総裁が作ってくれた空手は永遠に生き残ります、自分自身これからはどうなるのか分かりませんが格闘議会でいろんな人と出会いが出来て、その仲では本当にいい人もいれば最高に悪い人もいます。この日は自分の中では大切にしたいです、すみません。この場でそういう失礼な話をするのは申し訳ありません。大山総裁にとってどれだけ大切の人だと一般的には知られていないと思います、昔は山篭りに行ったときにあの人にあえるから頑張れたって言う話もありました。英語で言う言葉は一つあります、Passionパッションかな~?情熱ですよ、やっていることに関したは情熱はないと駄目です、Mrs.Oyamaは総裁の支えでありながら情熱のポイントとなったのではないかな~と僕は思います。自分も奥さんの力があるから頑張れるので、今までの苦労はやっと終わりました、これからはゆっくりと眠っていてください。私たちはずーと覚えています。。。R.I.P. (Rest in Peace)


Monday, May 29, 2006

Club Deep Hiroshima!

Just got back last night from Hiroshima, it was a really good event. I was set up to do a exhibition match with Akiyama Kancho, from the Vale Tudo Karate style. We started of standing up and then he kicked me and I countered with some punches, feeling was good. After going to the ground we wrestled a bit and then he did a triangle bar on me. Then we got up and boxed around a bit, I took him down and mounted him, then I got to take the armbar on him. 1 point each, and then after that it was like real sparring, I axe kicked him and the crowd went wild. It was just really cool to be in front of the crowd again, I felt like I wanted to try the real MMA fight. Maybe there will be such an opportunity for that in the future.




Wednesday, May 24, 2006

何ですか?この天気!What's up with the weather?




I am telling, the weather in Tokyo is crazy these days. Like yesterday I had to drive out to Kawaguchi, which is a good 25km run, so I got up early and took my bike out for a spin. It was a really nice day and I ended up taking my jacket off, and riding in my tank top. I thought it would be a good time to work a bit on my tan...Anyway, as it turned out I was way too early for my appointment, so I drove back to my office and had a meeting. After that I had to drive back to Kawaguchi, and it was getting really hot, my tan was coming along just fine when...No Way! Rain? I couldn't believe it, it was like some just pulled down a curtain and everything went dark! When it was time to go back home, the eye of the storm was right above me and I could see the lighting and hear the heavens roar with thunders, enough to make even the strong at heart want to seek cover. I could hardly see the road ahead of me, and so a 30min. drive ended up taking over an hour! At least I didn't crash or anything, but everything was soaked through to the bone. Well, looking outside today, we are off to a good start but you never know...Today I have got a bit of time,so I just want to take my bike for a nice spin.


Friday, May 19, 2006

MMA Rules, 総合格闘技ルール!

So I have been getting ready for this MMA rules exhibition fight next week, I have been doing quite a bit of MMA sparring. Luckily for me, I have been fortunate enough to train with a few of those kind of fighters over the last year or two. Lately I have been sparring with guy called Oyama, not the Oyama that I used to know, but the fighter in the Hero's that took out Peter Aerts with a heel hold on the new years eve show. He is not as big as me but he is really good on the ground, so we have been giving each other tips on how to do our different styles. I have been teaching him stand up and he has been helping me brush up on my ground tech. I am having some fun with it, and am looking forward to the match up next week. It should be a lot of fun. Today I was sparring with some Russian fighters that I have over here in Japan training with me, and I choked out one of them and then I did the triangle lock on the other little one. It was awesome, I mean these guys are pretty good at what they do but I managed to pull some of my moves of on them. I don't know where this kind of training is going to take me, but for the moment it is just fun to challenge the other guys in the gym.


来週の土曜日はMMAルールでエキシビションマッチをやることになったので、最近はそういうスパーをたくさんやったりしています。やはり、キックルールと全然違うけどなんとなくやられながら覚えていくんです。去年からいろんな総合の選手と 付き合いが出来てずーとそういうスパーはやっていたけど。人の前でそれを見せなきゃいけないとやっぱり違う、今回に向けて大山選手と高瀬選手や戦闘流選手と今うちに来ているロシアの選手と頑張っています。今日は何か知らないけど調子は本当によかったです、いきなり三角締めを決まりました、それに次のラウンドでチョークがきれいに決まった!あれって本当に気持ちいです、ま~今のところではただの遊びなんですけど。。。将来的に、どうなるのかな~?


Wednesday, May 3, 2006

夏だ~!Summer is finally coming!

今一時間ぐらい使ってここでパソコンの前に座って日記を書きました、そしたらいきなり全部が消えたしまったよ。未だにパソコンのことはそんなに詳しくないですので、日本語で何とかメッセージが出てくると大体消します。消せば安心だと思います。。。ところがそれが今まで書いたものも一緒消されたので!悲しくなった。夏が来た~って言う話をたくさん書いてたのに、なんと今俺の回りにいる人たちはみんな頑張ってすごいいいエネルギーを感じているし、今回の冬はやっと終わって昨日ハーレーの駄目になっていたバッテリーを自分で交換して。代々木公園を三回ぐらい回って顔に風をあだえていたら冬の最後の糸をふっ飛ばしました。あ~今年は強いです、29日MARS韓国大会でWill Bambinaccio Rivaは3ラウンドK.O.勝ちしました。TEAM SPIRITはいまどこ行っても強いです、さー来いよ。今年は何でもチャレンジします、27日DEEP広島大会で総合ルールでエキシビションマッチをやります。外ではれるぐらい自分も晴れています!


What a day it was yesterday, got up early because I could feel the sun on my face. Met up with Koichi and Jessie(He just off the boat and new to Japan) in the park and went for a run. My feet hardly touching the ground, I was floating along the path and just generally enjoying the fresh air and the buzz of the people playing in the park. Golden Week has begun and everybody suddenly has time for all the things they normally don't do. The park was full of families playing around, and by the time Koichi and I were about to cross the second bridge we had lost Jessie. I am not quite sure where he took the wrong turn, but he never made it over the bridge. We went back searching for him in true trooper style, swept this end and that end of the park but to no avail. So we made our way back to base camp and awaited his return. When after a good 10 min. He didn't show up we went on another foray, trying to find the point of where he might have gone wrong we swept other parts of the park. But still nothing, I reckon that by the time we went back the second time Jessie was so far gone that even a Bloodhound would not have been able to pick out his trace from amongst the other lost souls in search of a small piece of heaven. Yoyogi Park is not that big, but it is big enough to get lost in. After our second tour around we lay down and basked in golden rays of the sun, sucking up it's healing powers. By the time I had turned a lighter shade of pink, we got up and went to go and buy ourselves a soft cream. When speak of the Devil...Jessie pops around the corner, I had just about given up hope and were about to put out a search warrant with the police. Man, it was a true Kodak moment, the expression of relief on his face was just out of control...Now that shall stay imprinted on my mind forever, Jessie a true hero of the infamous Yoyogi park. I want to make a T-shirt for him, can you imagine the lettering. " I went to Yoyogi Park, and survived !" LOL Welcome to Japan, Jessie!


Friday, April 28, 2006

Titans !

Today I went to help out Nitta at his fight at the Titans, he was scheduled to fight against Ali Gunya from Turkey. Last time we saw him fight, it was against Albert Kraus in the elimination for the K-Max finals. He is a strong stable fighter, with nice technique. And fair enough he was all over Nitta in the first round, but in the second round Nitta hurt him with the lowkicks and the pace of the fight clearly changed. In the third round Nitta had Ali up against the ropes for most of the round, and I was sure that it was going to be a draw...But he lost 2-1! It was really sad to see him loose yet again, I know how hard he works and I know how much it means to him to win. But this was just not his day, this fight was very important for him and I think that the outcome is a reflection of how his training has been going this time. I just whish that I can get him out of this loosing streak and then bring down some real champions. I was fortunate enough to speak to JWP, John Wayne Parr, while at the arena, I can tell you all that I whish I had a camera, but he he is a really cool dude. A lot of his fans were coming up to him and trying to talk to him, so I helped him out a few times with some translating. His fight against Mike Sambidis got cancelled and that is a shame. Well, I am out of here gotta go to bed because I have a wedding to go to tomorrow down in Kobe.


今家に帰ってきた、今日はTITANSに行って新田さんのセコンドをやりました、今日はAli Gunya選手と戦うことになっていたので。周りの人はみんな辛そうな顔をしながら、大丈夫?を聞いてくるけど、俺はそれに対して、あいつはみんな強い強いって言ってるけど、こっちだって強いから何?とりあえず試合を見てくれって。ま~結果的に言うと負けてしまったけど、普通だったら5ラウンドはあるので。。。それだったらよゆうで勝ちます、3ラウンドは相手が背中をロープにずーとかけたままでで一発を狙っていたけど駄目で3ラウンドはずーと新田ペースでした。最低でもドローにして欲しかったですが。。。まー今度は相手を倒してチャンピョンなりましょうね!新田、あの佐藤選手も待っているし。お前諦めるなよ!俺たちみんな応援しているから、しかも俺は今試合させてもらいないので俺の代わりに勝ったくれ!頼んだぞ。


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Mas. Oyama ! 大山総裁 !



It has been more than 10 years since Oyama Sosai passed away, and there is not a day that goes by that I do not think about him. He was my farther in Japan, he was my teacher in Karate. I have been blessed with the same gift and love for Martial Arts that he has been able to pass on. I am his last student, when most had already written him off as a figure head of an organisation that was founded years before, I was there to see that he was still a true lion on the top of his kingdom. I will never forget his teachings, nor shal I ever forget the way he treated me. And therefore I am always true to the people that come to me, like the way I went to him. Always keep your door open to a hungry and thursty traveler, and he will smile upon your grace. Train with anyone that you think you can learn something from, and pass on the teachings of Martial Arts as where they a script meant not for you, but for your childrens children to learn how to protect themselves. Stay true to the way, and strive to become a person that people can look up to and admire. Those were words from my former Master, guide, teacher and Farther, take to your heart without regret and you will find that obstacles in life become easier to overcome.


Monday, April 24, 2006

Fortissimo、 富士山を円の中に。。。丸山!

Just got back from Nagoya, were we helped out at the new event Fortissimo. Ryo Pettas was scheduled for his 3rd. pro. fight, and Maruyama a kid I have been holding back for a while finally had his debut fight. Ryo was in great shape and just didn't stop hitting guy, for 3 rounds he tried with everything he had to knock him out, and although he did get close a few times the other guy was very tuff. Ryo ended up winning the fight on ponits but it was well deserved. Then after that it was Maruyama's turn. I had had made a pair of kickboxing pants for him, my friend Hiro was kind enough to draw the design of a Mount Fuji within a big circle. This would symbolize his name, Maru-being a circle, and Yama- being a mountain. The shorts were in red and the final outcome was really nice. He looked great and although I could tell that he was very proud to wear the shorts, he also was very nervous about the fight. The first round was a hard one for him because everything he did was meant to hurt the guy, and he wasted a lot of energi. So coming out into the second round he relaxed and didn't try too hard, and yes soon enough he dropped the guy with a right hand. And that was the end of that fight. What a debut! Gongratulations, next fight is already lined up so keep up the work Maruyama, May 13th. is just around the corner.


日曜日は名古屋に行ってきました、Fortissimoの手伝いや選手の参加がありましたのでみんなは土曜日にバスで行きました。そのバスの時間はゲームをやりながらいろいろと面白かったですけど、やっぱりなにごとも無くいけないと思いますのでパーキングエリアのトイレに一番大切の人は財布をおどしましたハペニングは多分一番面白かった。運がいいのかよく分からないけど、次の日の帰りにその財布は全部帰ってきました。。。Ryo PettasとMaruyamaは試合が決まっていたので、げんりょうと戦いながら会場に向かっていきました。当日は体重二人ともO.K.が出たのでまず一安心。Ryoは最初から最後までパンチを打ち続けました、どうしても倒したかったので全面的に気合が入っていました。何度か倒せそうでしたけど、相手はかなりタッフで最後までがまんをしました。Ryoは3-0の判定で勝ちでした、そして帰りのバスの中で反省会をしました。結果はよかったけど次回はどうやって相手を倒すのかはもっと練習しなければならないともいます、お疲れ様!Maruyamaはもう二年を見ています、彼はデビューを遅らせた理由は言わないけど結果的に言うとそれは正解でした。緊張をしながら2ラウンドで右フックをあいてをきれいに倒して、すばらしいデビューは出来ました。今になって言いたいのは、俺を信じてよかったでしょう?って言う一言。おめでとう!次はもうすぐですので、5月13日幕張メッセでまた会場を盛り上げましょう。Keep up the good work !丸山君にキックのパンツはプレゼントをしたけど、それは友達のヒロさんにデザインをしてもらったので何も知らない丸山にお前今日これを入ってやれば、とわたして彼の笑顔を見ただけで満足しました。すごくかっこよかった、ヒロさんの富士山を円の中に入っていた絵は丸に山だった意味で本当によかったです。


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

人生は続く!And life goes on...

そうですよ、今は僕の人生の中でいろいろある時期です、いろいろがありながらこれからは私はどうなるのか、どうするのか?っという質問はたくさんありながら、朝になれば起きなければならないので人生は続いているんだな~と思いました。ジムは閉店って言うか、閉めてしまいました。人生はある意味でサーフィンと同じです波に乗るかそる!波に乗っていけば最高の気分にはなれるけど落ちれば頭から落ちます、これを書いたら皆さんは今のニコラスは大丈夫ですかって考えるかもしれないけど、俺は本当に大丈夫です、来週はドラマもテレビで放送されるし。来月はDEEPでMMAルールでエキシビションマッチも決定しましたし、昨日後楽園で行われたDEEPで佐々木代表が記者発表しました。そのDEEPでメインはRyan選手を応援していたのに残念ながら負けてしまった。次回頑張って欲しいです。TEAM SPIRITはGOLD'S GYM中野店でお世話になっているので、みんな試合が近いし。今は一番気合が入っているかも!この前だって俺の試合もあい言う感じで流れてしまったし、REDEMPTION!っていう一言が頭にしかないです。今、毎日4時間から5時間も練習しています、それはまた幸せです。本当に何年ぶりにこれだけ素直に練習できてて本当に気持ちいいです。俺は復活しました、早く皆さんの前に姿を見せしたいです。それよりも、先週からうちの娘が小学校に上がりました!なんて可愛いですか?本当に朝起きるのは早くなったけど、一緒に学校まで歩いてて自分もその気分になったらして。。。家族のことは基本的に書かないですがこれだけは口はかゆくなりました。


And life goes on, I just thought that I might tell you that my first daughter has just startet school! It is awesome, from one week to the other she has gone from a little girl to a little woman. I can tell that she has grown as a person just in that short period of time. The first morning we walked together to the school together, and then when we turned the corner that leads down to the actual school, she let go of my hand and said, "Daddy, I want to walk alone from here" And...I was like, "Oh! OK. well then, you lead the way..." She is taking everything in a full stride, and I am just turning into a grownup that sees my girls growning up a lot faster than I expected. I normally don't like to write about my family, but this was just too good to keep out!


Monday, April 3, 2006

The Spirit Gym ! Closed ? Not really...

I don't really know how to start this entry, but I guess that I just have to cast myself out into it. I have closed my gym. It sounds like a bad thing, but truly it is not as bad as it might sound. I still have my team together and now we have regrouped and are now working out in Gold's Gym in Nakano. Thank you Gold's Gym for letting us work out when we have no other place to go, Mr. Tezuka a long time friend of Andy Hug's is the owner of Gold's Gym Japan, and has been kind enough to let us train there during the day hours when no one else is using the gym. I have had a very long and good relationship with the original owner of Spirit Gym, and although due to some serious bad timing we were forced to close down the gym. It is now run by Tsuyoshi and Hiroshi, two brothers whom are the only true Uchi Deshi of Johan Vos Sensei. The gym has been changed to a Vos Sports School and it is run now mainly the way, they do things in Holland under Sensei Vos' guidance. I am very happy that they both decided to try their best to keep the gym running and also know how big a challenge it is for both of them, but if they work hard then this will be for the better. What this means for me personally is ofcourse that I do not have my own gym right now, and although I am teaching twice a week. Once in Shin Okubo Karate and once in Gold's Gym Omotesando. I now have time to focus a bit more on my own training again, I am not getting younger and I feel that if I am to try to fight at top level again, that I need this time to train and focus a bit on myself and my fighters. Once we have redeemed ourselves for what we are worth, I am sure that the opportunity to open a gym will arise once again. It was a very hard choice that I had to make, and even now after everything has settled down I still miss everyone. Some of the students that I used to teach at the gym have followed me to Gold's Gym, and yet others have come to the Karate class. For this I am truly honored and humbled, and also I feel that I need to do my best and not let everyone down. One guy said half joking that I have abandoned everybody just so that I can fight again, but this is not true, this reason has nothing to do with it. To make you understand me a bit better, I need to go back a little and talk about the passion I have for redeming myself. I broke me leg now almost 4 years ago, and then I left Kyokushin, opened my own Dojo and later started The Spirit Gym. But lying there in the hospital for 6 weeks with my leg in a sling and a ice machine constantly icing it down, I had time to think. I truly had all the time in the world to think about what I wanted to do with myself. And I realized that I was not living the kind of life I would be happy with. I saw many paths for my future and many different ways to becoming happy, but it was not the one I was walking at that time. So I did what most people would never even think about, I followed my heart. I decided to stand up straight and walk on my own two feet, I decided that I was tired of living in any one elses shadow, I decided that if I ever made it into the light that I wanted that light to shine on me for me, and not for what anyone else had done and then a I could catch a little of the reflections. It was a very hard choice to make, but I have never been affraid of following my heart. Hell, I had some money saved up and the world looked ready to take me on. So I did what I knew best how to do I taught Martial Arts to people that were drawn to me. I don't consider myself the best teacher or not even in the same class as many of the greats out there. But I have energi and faith, something no one can ever take away from me. So I started teaching, but as most people would realize, living in Japan for me was never that easy after I had become K-1 Champion. It didn't matter where I went people would recognize me, this is good when you are up there amongst the Champions and doing it in front of thousands of people, and getting paid ridiculus amounts of money. But now I was just me, no money, no fights, just the fame left and all the bills to pay. Well, that was OK, I never really complained and training was going great, the fighters that I worked with were doing good and I could see that my efforts were paying off. But here comes the dilema, since people know who I am they also have and interest in what I am doing, so naturally they see me coaching someone and that is all good until they ask me, " So, when are YOU going to fight again?" I could find myself at the gas station, and the guy would say to me" It is full it will be 1743 Yen, thank you, so when are YOU going to fight again?" or I would be shopping with the kids and someone would come up to me and say, " Hey Nicholas, I saw you in the movie the other day, it was fun! But when are YOU going to fight again?" The stories I could tell you about the places I have been asked this question is just endless, even you guys that come here at my website keep asking me the same thing. The truth is that my hands and feet have been bound together by aggreements of people that are so far out of my reach that I can't even begin to explain it. Well, I guess that says a lot to some and nothing to others, but there are truly things I would prefer not to discuss here on a public channel. Anyway. like I said teaching, acting, doing drama's or whatever I could find to do besides fighting was never really enough. I always knew that I had to get back into the ring and show the people that I can really do this, I am a fighter of heart and I have dedicated so much of my life to give it up that easy. So when I decided to come back to the ring I wanted to do for the love of the game. For the fact that there are so many out there that truly never get to live their dreams, I want to live my dreams and I want to be someone that people can look up to and say, that guy was really something. And to become this dream catcher I must do what others dare not, or will not or just can't. This is my life and therefore I fight again, last year I came back to toplevel fighting after recovering from a snapped shinbone, and 3 and a half years away. I fought not my best fight, but I did what I had set myself out to do, WIN. And win I did, 2nd. round TKO. I can now truly retire if I wanted to because to all those people out there who doubted me I have now the proof that I can do this. I can truly accomplish the dreams and goals that I set myself, and my next goal is to come back fighting in Japan. I don't know how I can do this, but I really want to do it. So now all I am asking for is some time to focus on myself for a while and then, when the time is ready I want to spread the knowledge. I am saying many things here in this entry, and also leaving many things unsaid. But that is just the way things have to be right now, The Spirit Lives and so do I. Thank you Mas. Oyama for making me believe that anything is possible! The claws of the young Lion have not dulled yet, I shall rise once again as was promised and Roar the world.


Monday, March 27, 2006

I don't know if this is really the time for this!

But I had promised you all that I would post pictures of my Harley once I go them, and here they are! I think that Steve really outdid himself. I have seriously found a new love for my Iron Horse, and can't wait till I get it back on the road on a nice summer day...




Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Australia News Paper

Oh My GOD ! X-plosion 13

21日火曜日、夜20:57分です、今日の練習は終わって家にいます。本当だったら試合の結果や話はしたいですが。。。今、けがむしろ命はあることに関して感謝しています。自分は第13試合目でした、それまでは順調にそこまですごくいい雰囲気の会場は盛り上がりました。お客さんもたくさん来てくれました、後サブメインとメインイベントしかなかったのにとんでもないハペニング。。。個人ニコラスはアップをして、気持ちよく10oz.のグローブをはめてテーピングで固めて入場する前のところまでスタッフにつれてってもらってそこで集中していましたら、なんとカーテンの向こう側に誰かがケンカをし始めた!すごいことになっていた、俺のセコンドはカーテンとカーテンの間からのぞいたらパイプ イスは飛んでいるのを見て、ちょっと下がりましょうよを言ったらすぐ後に、バン バン バンバン!バン。。。が聞こえてきた!大会関係の花火かと思ったら、人がだ~と走ってくるわけ。。。”早く逃げろう~”って言うわけ。俺たちも会場の地下まで逃げました。そこで、俺は”グローブをはずさないよ!絶対に試合させてもらう!”を叫んでいる間に血だらけのバイカーは下りてきた。
もう諦めたらいいんじゃないの?をセコンドは言うわけ、でも試合はしたいです。10分ほどいろんな人と地下の非常口で待ってたら、会場でもしかして俺を探しているんじゃないかと思いながらゆっくりと2階まで登ってみたら!また血だらけの人がいました!すぐに三階まで行って裏道から会場に入ろうとしましたら、警察が来ています。試合は中止ですといわれたので行くところがなくって部屋に戻りました。そこでセコンドと友達と集まって話し合いながら軽く食べながら酒を飲んでいました。知らないうちに夜中の4時ぐらいになりました。。。次の日は買い物をしました、そしてNewsを見たら、その話題はオーストラリアで流れていました。プロモーターのRay 松村さんもひどいけがをしましたけど、すぐに退院が出来ましたので安心しました。ま~結果的に言う誰も死ななくってよかったですよ!試合はまた今度できますし。


Oh, My GOD! It was out of control, I was scheduled for the 13th. match of the evening. Everything was going great, it was a great crowd and everyone was really enjoying themselves. As I was getting ready for my own fight, they had a TV set up in the locker room, so that we could see what was going on inside the Hall. calculating the time to my own fight I started to warm up slowly, had my hands wrapped in time and was getting ready for my fight slowly. Everything was going according to plan, I had seriously donw a great job of getting ready for this fight. I felt great, body was light and rested, just wanted to get in there and get the fight over with. Just before they told me to go to the stand by area, I did my ritual of getting everyone who has helped me for the fight together and then say a little prayer. I have a few magic words that I always say that makes us all feel like we are doing thing together. And then we were escorted through the kitchen and over to the entrance area. Really it is now just a queston of time before they call me, the fight before me ended a bit early because the guy that fought was totally over whelming his opponent. It only took him one round to knock him down 3 times, and then it was all over. After that, there was an auction of a signed Muhammed Ali picture, and then it was me. I think they ended up selling it for around 3000AU$, it was a good deal. Well, the crowd was getting ready for the next fight on the card and I had just thrown off the heat protecting towels from my shoulders and had started pacing around, when we heard someone starting a fight in the crowd! Looking through the curtains it was only about 10 meters away from us that some bikers had gotten into some argument over something...I had no idea of what had happened, so I had Peter look through the curtain. and he actually saw most of it! But when the chairs started flying and people came running out our way, we looked at each other and said " Wow, that sounds pretty bad!" and at that exact moment we heard something like fire crackers go off, BAM BAM BAMBAM...BAM! Looking at each other I said, " what da hell was that...? " And then everybody just started running out through the back entrance where we were waiting. Peter had seen enough and told us all to get out of there, so we followed the crowd down through the kitchen of the hotel. And although it all seemed to be some kind of sceen in a bad movie, it was really happening! Once we got down to the basement we all turned left instead of out of the door where everyone else was going, and there we waited. " I am NOT TAKING MY GLOVES OFF! Allright....AAARRGGGHHH!" I don't believe the fight is getting cancelled, I just came here to fight! After about 10 min. of waiting and seeing people coming through the door, we decided that maybe they were looking for me and that i might better get back up stairs. So walking towards the stairs this badly cut up biker came out and just looked at us, we moved past him and made it up to the second level. There we opened the and peaked in...another biker that was bleeding badly and didn't have any shirt on!!! Ok! Next level, here the coast was clear, so we made our way back to the hall where the police was blocking the entrance. "Show has been cancelled, no-one is allowed inside since this is an official crime scene!" And that was that, I took my gloves off and we all returned to my room. There we all ordered room service and stayed up untill about 3:30 and then my friends went home and I crashed with Peter. Hey, no funny jokes there were two that is as in the number 2 beds, so we slept seperately. The next day I found some time to go shopping and bought some good books. I guess that at the end of the day I should be glad that nobody I knew was hurt, except for Ray the promoter, he actually tried to stop them and got seriously knocked out. When he woke up his lip was split and they took him to hospital for a concussion. He seems to be a bit better today from what I heard, I just whish everything is going to be OK with him, and ofcourse we are going to have find another place for the fight against me and Matt, and the main event of the evening, Nathan Corbett Vs. Steve Mckinnon. The grudge match of the year!


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

X-plosion 13 Matt Samoan Vs. Nicholas Pettas

So here I am again on the road, just thought that I update my Blog and let you all know what I am doing right now. I am at the Royal Pine Resort in the Gold Coast ! And Yes, the rumors are true that I am fighting again, I am here to fight against Matt Samoan. It is pretty much like last time, I am up against one of the locals so the support for this guy is there. I never underestimate anyone, and am sure this is going to be a hard fight, but I did not travel this far to loose. So Saturday night is going to good, I am here to perform my best and just get the show on. I am feeling really good, the weather is almost too good to be true, but I guess that is why the call it the Gold Coast! I`ll get back to you all after the fight so give me your best support as always.



Nihongo wo uteru pasokon wa nai desu... SUMIMASEN! Nihon ni kaettara mata kakimasu!


Sunday, March 12, 2006

OK Finally a few pictures in the works...



I think these pictures speak for themselves, this is Steve in the works!


Wednesday, March 1, 2006

It's the rain...And then it was the Danish TV crew

本当ですよ!雨はずっと降り続けているのでハーレーはとりに行けなかったのよ。。。出来たのは出来たけど!しかもちょっとは見たけど、すごくかっこいいですけどまだ乗っていないです。もうすぐ天気はよくなれば乗ります!ハーレーは乗らなかったけどデンマークのテレビ局とそのタレントJan Gintbergはいま日本に来ていてロケ番組を作っているので、なんと二人のツーリングを撮影したいとのこてで月曜日は富士山まで走りました。とてもいいドライバーで本当に楽しかったですけどやはり曇りで現地についても富士山は見えなかった。。。残念!その次の日はジムで一緒に練習をしました、それはまた楽しかったです。タレントは大変ですね!


I know that I said that my Harley was ready but it has just been too bad weather for me to go and get it, so although I caught a quick glimpse of it I still haven't ridden it yet...I can't wait for the weather to clear up a bit more, man it is almost not fair. On the off hand I had the great pleasure of riding down to Mount Fuji with a danish flim crew and did the tour with a very well know tv personality called Jan Gintberg! I think that is how you spell it? Anyway, he was a great guy and we seriously had some fun on the free way together. I changes it a lot when you are a few guys riding together, it was a nice ride although a bit cold coming back. Tuesday we had aggreed on getting together for some training so that I could show him some Kill Bill moves! But I think that once we got startet he was in for a bit more than he had expected...Well, Jan if you happen to stumble on this entry just let me tell you that you did a fine job, and it was a pleasure to meet you, maybe we can get together in Danmark one day...


Friday, February 24, 2006

My Harley is ready! ハーレーは出来たらしい!



So I am finally picking my bike up tomorrow, I have been waiting like a little kid for this...


Friday, February 17, 2006

Ryo Pettas wins !

So it has already been a week now...I mean it feel like it was just a few days ago that I was at the ring side screaming at Ryo to do his best! Well, he did really well and won the fight 30-27 so tha was pretty convincing. In the second round he dropped the guy, and although he knew that he had to try and get it back, he came out like a thunderstorm in the last round Ryo was calm the whole way through just sticking to his game plan and getting the better of the guy. It was a great releif to see him win, he truly deserves it after all that training. It has been almost a year since he joined the team, and it has not been easy...A small frame weighing in at less than 60kg's but with the heart of a lion. Well done. little brother!


それではもう一週間がたちましたけど、何とゆっくりパソコンの前に座ってこの日記を書く時間は何で見つかっていないか分からないです。。。いつでもすぐ書けると思うと書かないです。BBSでも気になっていた原田さんに質問されるし。。。今日はちゃんと書きたいと思いました。Ryoは本当にいい試合をしました、2ラウンドでダウンをとって後もう一歩でK.O.になりそうだったけど。さすが相手はランク1で、すごい頑張りました。最後のラウンドはゴーからがんがん出てきましたけど、Ryoは全部冷静に返してどっちかというと前に出ていました。。。30-27で判定勝ち!おめでとうRYO PETTAS!


Wednesday, February 8, 2006

テレビでは見れない!What they don't show on TV!



This is what they didn't show on TV, I was dressed up as one of the guys from an old group of comedians called, The Drifters. Nitta had arranged for the intro song to start off with this guys voice coming in greeting everyone, and then in stead of him coming on stage I showed up and overlapped his voice. It had quite an effect although they didn't show it on TV, it was quite fun. I guess that my real job looked more like what I am doing on the picture below though...


Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Ryo Pettas

So I was on my computer this morning, and had almost finished todays entry, when suddenly a pop up message came up and said that the server would be down for about 8 hours...I wasn't quite sure what it meant so I proseeded to puplish it and then it could not connect, and I lost everything I had written down. Hmm, it makes you wonder about technologi, I even tried to paste it over on a word file, but that proved impossible! Wel, anyway I was just going to tell you about the fights that are coming up this saturday. We are going to take Ryo Pettas to his second fight in his pro career, I have been working hard with him lately. So let's just hope that is goes good for him this weekend, if you find yourself in Shinjuku then check out a place called FACE, the event is called Tribalate、and it starts at 17:30 !


今日朝早く起きて家のパソコンでBlogを書いてたら、何とアップをしおとしたときにサーバーはダウンになっていたらしくっていっぱい書いたのに、全部は消されてしまった。。。そういうときはどうしたらいいのか分からなくって、困りました!それよりも今週の土曜日にイベントの話をしたくって今日Blogを書いていました。土曜日の17:30開始のTRIBALATE、新宿のFACE(フェース)ではRyo Pettasのプロになってからの第二戦が決定しました。今年は自分がミットをたくさん持っててあげてどんどん強くさせるつもりで今一生懸命やってもらっている。彼はまだ19歳ですので本当に教えることは早くきゅうしゅうしてくれるので、成長早いです。昨年はジムでの練習と東京での生活をなれながら練習していましたが、今年はもうそういうことを気にせず思い切り頑張ってもらっています。ついこの前のジムの合宿にも参加しないで一人で走りこんでサンドバッグを蹴り続けました。頑張れよRyo!お前ににもペタスコールが起きるように、Faceで風がふくように、戦い方で人が掘れるように。。。オス!


Saturday, February 4, 2006

Nitta didn't quite make it! 新田さん残念でした!

昨日はK-maxの日本代表決定トーナメントはありました、自分はいつもみたいにセコンドをやりました。お正月からずーと毎日厳しい練習をやり続けました、正直に今までのコンディションと違って最高によかったと思いました。しかし、昔からのライバル佐藤選手は思ったよりも大きい壁となった。俺は自身ありましたし、新田さんは今回いけると思ったけど。。。なんと佐藤選手は試合の運び方はうまかったです。負けたことに関しては本当に悔しいです、正直に自分も今回負けたから悔しいです。リベンジを絶対にとりたいです。たまたま、試合の前の日にバイクショップ"SP Works"にハーレーを持っておきました、そこでSteveに初めて出会えました。写真はまだ出来てないので、とりあえず今のハーレーはどんな感じになっているの見せる約束をしました。ま~ほとんど普通ですね!あと一週間ではどんな感じになるのかな?すごく楽しみです。何よりも、今日の日記で新田さんの話題だけにしたくなかったです。。。 Check it out!


So I went with Nitta to K-Max Japan tournament yesterday, we had to fight against Sato the tallest japanese middle weight. He is really stable fighter and knows what he is doing in there, know for his lowkicks and never stepping back we knew that we had our hands full. Thing is Nitta could have won this fight, if he had been able to do more of the things we had been working on, then it would have been a better fight. The thing is we thought that Sato's kicks would be strong, and then when we got in there it wasn't anything what we expected. We could tell that he was nervous about Nitta's kicking because he kept clinching and trying his knee's, in the end he was just a smarter fighter. But after training so hard for the fight it feels really empty, I feel drained this time. We put in so much work for it, and in the end he was in better shape, but it still wasn't enough...I feel really like I lost a fight myself. We had better get in the ring soon and Knock someone out and then try and get a rematch with him sometime! I really haven't felt this bad about one of my friends loosing a fight since Ryo Pettas lost his debut fight! Well, he is fighting again next week, on Saturday night. Man, I hope he does well. Anyway, Friday I rolled up at my friends bike SP Works out on Kawagoe kaido. We were going to meet up with Steve the world famous custom pinstripe and paint artist. Check it out !


Monday, January 30, 2006

おの時のワン エイチィ(180) Remember the 180!

土曜日朝7時8分、僕はまだバイクに乗っている!夜中は寒かったです非常に寒かったです、家を出てバイクのエンジンをかけてもスタートしません!!!合宿に行くバスは7:00時に出る予定でした、しかし車からジャンプケーブルをつなげてエンジンをジャンプさせなければならなかったので時間は思ったよりもかかりました。ま~事故ってもしょうがないし、朝早かったのでほとんど誰も道路に走っていないのでスムーズにジムまでいけました。しかも、俺よりも遅れている参加者何人かいたので、ナイスセーフ!7時22分やっと出発。何と合宿になると朝でもテンションは高いです、バスの一番前に座ってうちの一時間二時間ぐらいずーと話しました。しかし、昼ぐらいにつく予定はどんどん無理に見えた、高速はすごい込んでいる、あるトンネルの入り口の前に一時間半も止まりました。でもそれを抜けたらペンションまですぐだった。スキー場についてリッフトに乗ったのは15時半でした、なんとロスまでいける時間でした。まーあまり文句言えないです、大雪でまえは見えないので5回すべってお風呂に入りました。。。夜は毎回と同じくゲームに負けて×ゲームとして雪だるまを夜中に作ることになりました!そして、ばたっと倒れて朝まで起きないです。日曜日は晴れで最高にいい天気でした、土曜日の大雪で山はパウダーだらけですのでほとんどどんなに無理して転んでも痛くなかったです。そして、昼休みを取っててビールをゆっくり飲んでいたらコウイチ ぺタスは”お兄さん、すべりましょうよ!”を誘ってくれたので、お風呂を入るのをあきらめてもう一回リッフトに乗りました。そこでなんと俺の昔のボーダー時代を思い出して、飛びたくなりました。で、たまたまコウイチの前で飛びながら180℃回転のジャンプに成功しました。あれからコウイチの顔を見るたびに”お兄さん、あのワン エイチィかっこよかったです”をお互いに笑います。帰りは2時半ぐらいに出て、ジムの前に着いたのはぴったり20:00時だったので。意外とバスに乗っていた時間は長かったです、今度は電車で行きたいです。。。


It's 7:08 in the morning and I am running late for the bus that is taking us to the wintercamp...I figured that I was in good time when I got out of the house but my bike would not start due to the cold...So I had to hook it up to my car and jump start it, this took a bit longer than I had thought. Anyway, I don't want to crash on my bike, so without hurrying too much I made my way to the gym, lucky for me that there is no traffic in the early hours of the day. Making good time I arrived at the gym soon enough, more lucky some of the others had still not arrived and I was safe. We got to leave at 7:22 and being all exited about the whole idea of going on a snow boarding camp, the guys sitting in the front kept talking about this and that. After an hour or two the effect wore off and we all got drowsy, we did get up rather early after all, so we took a nap. Expecting that we would arrive before noon, I was awoken by the fact that the bus didn't move...It was a mayor traffic jam. There was a tunnel that they had simply closed down, it is the only way to get to the other side of the mountain chain. So we found our selves at a stop with no way out, no way back and no way forward...An hour and half later, we finally started moving. After that it was too far and getting everything ready in the kind of snow storm that had decided to start on our way to the mountain, we finally got on the lift at around 15:30! I could hardly see anything and it was really cold now that the sun was blocked out by the heavy snow ladden clouds. I did a few runs and called it the day, seeing that there was a nice bath house attached to the ski resort. I made my way up there and soaked it up for a hour or two just enjoying the nice warmth of the water. The next day, I woke up quite early and after breakfast we all got dressed and made our way back to mountain. It was a perfect day with the best snow one could whish for when riding a snowboard. Lot's and lot's of powder, after riding with some of the girls and guys from the gym for an hour or two I got a bit tired and decided to take a break. There enjoying a nice cold beer, I had just about decided to just call it quits and head up for the bath when Koichi Pettas came along. " Hey, Big brother let's got attack the mountain together!" A~what the hell, so I put on my last t-shirt and we made our way out to the mountain, one of the guys from the gym Ozaki was a really cool snowboarder and we just got out of control together. Looking for anything but the normal track going in and out of the trees, I was starting to feel really confident again. And remembering how I used to ride I felt like jumping, so I tried a few things here and there. And just by coincidence I pulled a real nice 180 right in front of Koichi...And ever since that everytime we look at each other, we just say " remember that 180...!" and then we both crack up laughing...Going home again it took us another 6 hours, so I really fel that although this is a camp and that we should all go together, I would like to take the train next time. 70min. bullet train right to the foot of the mountain, get off the train and walk up to the lift. It can't get any better than that.


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