Saturday, September 16, 2006

2nd. round K.O. Win for Peter Graham!

It was a good fight, Peter looked good in the first round although taking a few low kicks he didn't rush into anything. And coming out in the second round, he started flowing really well and some great lowkicks sent Andrew to the mat, the last things that got him was a well placed combination of hands followed by a strong kick. Andrew was hitting Peter with his lowkicks, and trying to work that angle but in the second round Peter just seemed to find his pace and once the combinations started flowing, there was not much to do. The event was actually broadcasted on the net and showed on National NZ TV ch.2, so it is getting a lot of attention over here. There was a good crowd and a great atmosphere in the Trust Stadium. Now it is back to Japan tomorrow and then I am on a show in Nagoya this coming Saturday!


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