Thursday, February 28, 2008


WARE HOUSE 麻布十番 03-6230-0343 20:30会場、よろしくお願いします!

それと、この写真は本当に関係ないですけど、午前中に柳君の始めての一人暮らしの部屋にマットをプレゼントしまして。おまけにPeter Graham とニックさん(アメリカンレスラー)も一緒に行きました。やっぱり一人暮らしだと気合を入れなきゃと思ってみんなを連れてきました。もうこれで大人ですから頑張って、Kotaro君!


This picture was taken this morning at Kotaro's new apartment, he is finally moving into his own apartment so we all swung by to give him a bit of Kiai!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

NHK Japanese Fast food guide! 大江戸うな重

I have my own small program on the Japanese educational channel, and it is about me intruducing the world to traditional Japanese foods. Originally it was called the Fastfood guide, but since we ran out of fast food items to show, we have now moved on to more regular meals. And today it was a dish called Unajyu, charcoal grilled Eel dipped in the secret sauce. It was really yummy and I totally enjoyed it!

明日はイベントはあるけど、今日はNHKの番組の収録もありましたのでけっこう忙しいですね。大江戸っていう南青山にある、昔からの有名なうなぎ屋に今日のねたがありました。僕はうなぎ大好きので喜んで完食しました、本当においしかったです。もし、うなぎを食べたくなったら、塩野さんのうな重は最高においしいです。詳しい情報は でどうぞう。塩野さんも格闘技大好きで話はけっこう盛り上がりました。今度は家族で行きたいと思います、今日はありがとうございました。



Tuesday, February 26, 2008

International Kickboxer front cover!

Thank you Michael " The Voice" Schavello!

Monday, February 25, 2008


英語のタイトルは”Ring of Fire" プロヂューサーのマット・テイラーさんが世界平和のために自ら作った映画です。それは今日の18:00から無料で見ることができます。詳しいことはのほうで出ますが、僕の今人生のなかでもっとも気になっている映画です。これは実にいうと少しでも世界を変える力を持っていると思っています。今までになかったことがこの映画の元でもう始まっているんです。今年のピースサッミトに向けて世界平和というテーマでマットさんが自分の力をすべて使って、実際にここまで国のトップは動くことに成功しました。僕はここでいろいろと語るよりも皆さんURLをたすねてみてください、そこで本当にこの地球の見る目が変わるかも。僕も今日は見に行きます!

If you want to know what I am talking about then go to this link and enter the world of Matt Taylor. Who has for the last 8 years been working as a volunteer to promote world peace. The steps and bounds he has been able to make within this short time are close to phenomenal, what even after decades governments could not seem to accomplsih, he has created life. To tear down the Nuclear Silos around that the world that even today are on alert to destroy all our mayor cities, Matt Taylor has within the first 3 years of beginning the project accomplished. When I first met him I was so impressed with his work that I felt goose bumps on my arms. I mean, in my life I have the power to reach out to a lot of people, but this is in such large scale that the work I do in comparison is so mediocre that I just whish there was a means to reach even more people. The dream and courage than I am able to present my fans with is just a small thing, but this project is totally overwhelming and truly impressive. I will not try to speak any more of this because all you have to do is log on to the URL and then look it up for yourself.
And if you are in Japan then you can watch the movie for free.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Yanagi Kotaro

I was hanging out with my friend the actor Yanagi Kotaro on the weekend, and we went to my favorite burger place. BURGER KING ! Have it your way. I love the whoppers with extra cheese! Kotaro had a Junior whopper with cheese and it was more than big enough for him.

柳君殻連絡があって一緒に買い物したいということでこの前会いました、ついでに僕は大好きなBURGER KING!Have it your wayに行きました。僕は普通のWhopperチーズを食べたけど、柳君はジュ二アーWhopperで十分でした。Burger Kingではトマトも入っているし、マヨとケッチャップのミックスは最高です。注文してから作るので絶対にフレッシュです。こうやって書いているだけでもう一回食べたくなるので。。。話を変えます、ボブ・サップは土曜日にワシングトンの大きい会場でチッケト全部売り切れた試合をしまして。残念ながら試合前には足に肉離れをしまして、体に力は入らなかったです。それでノルキャ選手はパンチでしょりを取りました。電話で僕は報告を受けましたが、本人はやっぱり元気なかったです。。。また話は変わるけど、柳君は西岡すみこと同じ事務所だそうです。彼は今一人暮らしに向かっているのでわくわくしています。

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bungeling Bay Ebisu OPEN !

That's right! Yesterday my dear friend Nitta opened up his new gym in Ebisu. Location is awesome and so is the gym, it is closer to there from my house than my own gym is. So I am sure that I will be training there, well done Nitta and good luck with the new gym. I will do what I can to help out. And did you check out the color of Nitta's hair!! it must have taken him hours to get that clor out, but it looks really cool!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Audi BS5

last night I was invited to check out the the Audi S5, they had it on a special display at the Roppongi Hills 52nd. floor. I am not quite sure how they got all those cars all the way up there, but it was kind of impressive. I am not much for small sports cars, but this model was pretty sleek looking.
Sorry for the bad quality on the pictures, my phone doesn't take that good pictures in the dark.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008



Now that we are getting closer to the event, Smokers Feb. 29th. we are all getting together for meetings almost daily. There is a lot of discussing various idea and things like the time schedule for the whole event. It really takes a lot of preparation, even for such a small event. But When I get a good look at how hard the fighters are training to get ready for it, I really hope that it will become a great event.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

And life goes on...

Yesterday I told you that I had just lost my Grand Farther, and although that is very sad. I still had to get up in the morning as usual and go to work. Well, yesterday I had another TV shoot, it was for the National Broadcasting network NHK. I have had my own little corner in food program, where I get to introduce various japanese foods. Yesterday we shoot 3 different versions, and it was about Senbei(grilled rice cakes) Udon(thick japanese noodles) and Kushi Age, which is a deep fried stick with anything from Cheese to tomato's on them. So I basically spent all day yesterday eating and talking about food...


Monday, February 18, 2008

Tribute to Grand Farther, おじいちゃんが亡くなられました


I just got the e-mail from my Mother, and it said that she was sorry to have to tell me that my grand farther had passed away. I was very sad to hear that because although he had just turned 95 and has had an incredible long life. We have also planned to go to Denmark this coming month, from the 1. till the 17th. I am bringing my whole family back home, and we had planned on visiting so that Morfar could have a look at his grand children. But I guess now all that is left are the pictures we have together and the sweet memories of us walking in the park holding hands. I remember his warm hands very clearly, because I wouldn't let go as a child. When we had all grown up, I remember that at lunch time Morfar(Grand Pa) would always have a shot or 2 of the Danish Snaps. It is like a Vodka, and this he often confessed to us was the secret for his long life. I hope that where he is now that he way find peace and happiness. I know that we will all miss him, Good bye Morfar...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

福島なんご、トマト国。Tomato land Nango


I went to Fukushima, Nango over the weekend and got to spend some time with the local kids in the snow. It was kind of hard to hold a Martial Arts Seminar in the snow when everyone including me were wearing snow board boots and winter wear. But we actually managed to have a good time and I sure that the kids enjoyed it as much as I did. After the seminar, we got to go over and check out local Sake factory and there was pot that cooks 1 ton of rice a day! That was a lot of Sake. And then we went into a dark room where I could hear classic music like Vivaldi and Mozart, but I had to ask why they were playing music. And they told me that it's for the Sake, it makes it taste better...far out? Anyway, the town is also famous for it's tomato's and apperently young snow boarders come in the summer time and make their money on the tomato fields and then spend all winter riding the half pipes...Awesome little place. I am going back up there next month, and I might just hit the slopes that time.

Friday, February 15, 2008


This is a photo of Hayashi-san our webmaster, and here we just finished the voice over for the opening video. He is really awesome when it comes to putting this together and making it look like we want it. He has been an awesome help for all of us, and a really cool guy too. He even shows up for training once in a while, he loves the martial arts and really likes to help out. We all get along really well so it is fun and good to work together.


Warriors prepare to FIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTT!!!!!このセリフをいった自分はクリス・ぺブラーさんになってしまった気がしてちょっと面白かったです。

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lunch in Shibuya

Today I hooked up with an old friend/student of mine, we hadn't seen each other in a while and it was good catching up. It was my first time to meet his wife, Zoe. She is body builder of world class and a totally cool person.


2月28日 放送 Down Town Deluxe

今日、って言うか今さっき収録が終わったばかりです。うちの子供に西岡すみこさんと絶対に写真をとってねと頼まれたので、ここで、本人のOKをもらったので、皆さんに見せたいです。cH.4日テレ放送2008年2月28日、22:00~22:54、DON'T MISS IT

Just finished the tv shoot of a golden time program called "Down Town Deluxe" it will air on the 28th. Feb. Channel 4 22:00~22:54, check it out if you are in Japan! This picture is of Nishioka Sumiko, a japanese talent who's carater is a SM Queen. She was quite funny and my kids thinks she is really funny, so I promised to take a picture with her. I still can't figure out the Japanese comedy, there are a whole bunch of shady caraters over here, but they are all quite funny!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Moving stuff ! 引越し?


I was totally busy all day today, I had to get up early and get a extra car ready to go out to Kiba and pick up all this really cool stuff for the gym. If you are reading this entry and don't exactly kno wwhat I am talking about, then let me tell you that there is a lot of moving in and out of Japan. And everytime this happens somebody needs to get rid of the things he or she used while here. It will cost too much to send it home, and things don't run on the same power voltage. So it is mostly pointless to bring any kind of electronics home. So I knew that we needed some things for the gym and the new dorm, and as I was just looking for maybe a fridge and a whasher. This dude from Romania that was going home decided to give it all to me. So I ended up picking up a whole bunch of stuff like a single bed, fridge,TV,table and oven and micro wave...It all makes the gym a much more habitable place. I mean, now we can actually cook our lunches there and have a small party or anything we really need. I love it, and now Koichi can even take a nap in the gym if he get's too tired....

Monday, February 11, 2008

Team Spirit

The team I have is called The Team Spirit, and it consists opf the people that really want to train and fight with me. Most of us have been together for many years and they are all like a family to me. I respect them all and love them.We have trained together for so long now that I almost consider us a secret little club, we always push each other and there is always someone to train with. It was my birthday last month, and although we already had a big party. They had all gotten together and bought me birthday present. It came with a bunch of letters and they were all filled with great messages. I am truly happy to have such a great team around me.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Visist from Aomori

This weekend we had my wife's sister and her kids over at our place. They all live in Aomori, which is about 4 hours on the bullit train from here. So as you can imagine, we don't get to see each other very often. They have all been enjoying a couple of days in Tokyo, checking out the hot spots, but today they are going back home. I have been driving them all around like a taxi, but that is all good, 'cause I had nothing better to do. And then today is another holiday...just cruising around town, I think I might take them out to Odaiba if the time allows it. I washed the car so the rims are real shiny and it feels great to ride it, and the weather is so nice today. I can't believe it that it was snowing just a day or two ago???


Saturday, February 9, 2008

Snow and Chilli Con Carne

I can't believe it, there I was standing in my kitchen and coocking the dinner. One of my all time favorites, Chilli Con Carne, when I decide to call my friend Robert. I thought that he might be getting hungry too so I was gonna invite him over, but he as myself, was already hungry and had decided to swing by TGI Fridays, to get a nice steak. Timing was a bit bad but no worries, that means that there is more for me...Then he tells me that it's pretty crappy outside? Even tries to tell me that it is snowing??? So I look out of my window and true enough it was actually snowing pretty hard. I took this picture out of my window, just now 5 min. ago, and by the time I finish this entry I am going to go back in my kitchen, where the Chilli should just be ready to eat, a nice beer to go along with that and a couple of shots of Tequila and then I am sure that I will pass out in front of the TV. Having peacefull dreams of Boats and Brothers...

今日僕は大好きなチリ・コン・カーネを作りました、僕は昔から作っているんですけど今日のチリは本当に美味しいそうです。一人でクッキングをしていながら友達のロバートももしかして腹減ったんじゃないかと思って電話してみました。彼は僕と同じでやっぱり腹が減っていたんですがタイミングはちょっと外れた、もうTGI FRIDAYSっていう店に入っていて、ステーキを注文したって。。。それはそれで全然問題ないです、僕は平気で彼の分を食べれる:)そしたら、今外天気は悪くなっていると言うんです、何と雪が降ったらいしていると言うんです?僕は一生懸命キチンで料理をしていたのでまったく外の天気は気にしていなかったです、でもぱっと窓から顔出してみたら大雪ですよ!びっくり、びっくり本当に今日はチリを作ってよかったと思いました。10倍美味しくなった、一回外で行き遊びしてからビールとチリを食べるつもりでいる。そして、テキーラを2~3ショットで多分今日はテレビの前で気持ちよく寝るね!出来ればハワイの夕日を見ながらお兄さんとお酒を飲む夢みたいです。。。

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Down Town Deluxe!

今度,2月27日のDown Town Deluxeに出ることになりました!僕はあの番組は始めって何ですが浜田さんと昔Junk Sportsで何回かお世話になっています。普段よりもみんな早くしゃべるので頑張って話せるようにしますのでテレビでチェックしてください。僕本当は大笑いの早い話は苦手ですけどダウンタウンに会えるのは楽しみです。

I got picked for a show called Down Town Deluxe, which is hosted by two of the most famous comedians in Japan. They call themselves DOWN TOWN, and they have been around for as long as I can remember. They are really funny and fast paced in the hosting, so I find it really hard to get in a comment here and there. But I will try and speak up when the chance is there. If not I wont get any air time...And then there is no point in being on the show. And then a good friend of mine is fighting in the Budapest K-1 tomorrow night. I hope that he does well, Tibor Nagy all the best tomorrow. No surrender, Never give up and never say NO ! I know how hard you have trained for the fight and am sure that you are ready, all the best my friend.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

K-MAX 2月2日 城戸優勝!


Sunday, February 3, 2008

SMOKERS ! My new event!

This is what we have been busy with for the last couple of months, it will open up a new door for out fighters to get a great experience in the ring. If you got the time then please show up and bring a couple of friends are 3500yen with one drink. Ryo Pettas will be up in the main fight of the evening, so I am sure that we will see something great. He feels that this event is made for his sake and takes full responsibillity for making sure that everybody will enjoy the evening. He is training so hard for this fight、I am sure he will carry the event to the next level!

2月29日に私たちの新しいイベントが始まります、SMOKERSっていうタイトルにしました。何と今回は初めてですがRyo Pettasは気合を入れてメインでやらせてくださいっていうことで、本人は誰よりも気合はいっています。多分これは自分のために立ち上げてくれたイベントと思っていると思います。ま~半分そうですけど、チームのみんなのために戦える場所として考えたけど先頭に立ってもらいたいのはやっぱりRyo君です。ここで改めて皆さんにお願いしたいですが、29日足を運んでもらって友達でも連れってくれればいっぱいいっぱいになって格闘技を目の前で楽しんでもらいたいです。よろしくお願いします。Come On !

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Back to Tokyo!

So last night we finished up on the shoot, and now I just got a few minutes before we drive over to the station. It is always sad to finish up on something like this, because you always become really friendly with evberyone, and then it is suddenly over. But the good thing is that if you keep getting work then chance will favor you, and you will end up on a set with someone you have acted with before. And that is always nice. This is picture of me and Sakamoto-san, we worked on "House of Smack Down" a few years back and it was fun the get together again.


Friday, February 1, 2008

現場先のオアシス Oasis


So it had turned 1:30 in the AM's we were all pretty tired from the long day on the set, and I was getting hungry. I wasn't looking forward to going to the nearby convinience store and buying some old sandwhich's. So when I saw a small RAMEN(Japanese noodles) place not far from the hotel. I soon decided to go there. It was a real small place with only enough place to sit 5 or maybe 6 people. But it was full. That is a good sign if you like RAMEN, because the popular places are almost always full not matter what time or place they are located in. For those of you that don't know about RAMEN, then let me just say that the frenzy over RAMEN in Japan, borders the amazing. On a average 100 new shops open up a day and about the same amount close down! Daily...that means there is a lot of people that really like their noodles. I have been on countless TV programs tasting RAMEN, making RAMEN etc. I have been through the whole works. And therefore consider myself a bit of a veteran when it comes to these legendary small havens. Anyway, the bowl came and although I hadn't really expected anything out of the ordinary. I was totally blown away by the complex soup, turns out that the chef's family has been making RAMEN for over 90 years. And that he is the 3rd. generation to carry on the secret soup...

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