Saturday, February 28, 2009

International relationship

I got all these cute fish in my tank and although they are all from different parts of the ocean, some of them seem to get along a lot better than others. These two for example are really friendly! For some reason the black one always ends up near to the Lion Fish. It looks weird and I keep thinking that that Lion Fish is going to eat him...But no, they really just seem to like hang out together.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hats and Caps !

Do you remember that I told I was in the process of designing a cap ? Well, of course I am not much of an artist so I needed someones help badly! And as it turned out my friend Yoshimoto from S'Factory has a lot of talent, so I asked for his help. He came up with some awesome stuff, I am not going to show you everything just yet but I can tell you that it is going to be so cool!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ameba スタートしました!



fetch !

I started to kick the little doll around a bit and little Fuku here started to fetch it and bring it back, now that we started it he is expecting me to play more with him...I would like to just sit there and get some work done, but the dog has his own little mind about things. At least he is a lot more quiet than before...Except for when Koichi shows up! He is seriously on a mission to make Koichi suffer, so he bites and barks like nothing else when he shows up. It is amazing how noisy such a little thing can be.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Drag Jam Party in Ebisu!

本当に13:30~恵比寿のZESTでDrag Jam パーティーでは2000円で食べ放題と飲み放題!是非来てください、僕のモンスターバイクも持ってきます!トークショーやいろんな楽しいイベントをやります。よろしくお願いします。

If you are free and you have nothing else to do then please come over for the Drag Jam Party in Zest, in Ebisu. It all starts at 13:30 on Sunday the 8th. and there will be all you can eat and drink for just 2000Yen! I will bringing my bike over to show it off and we will be having talk shows and various other cool stuff to present.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tokyo is not as fun as Okinawa...

I was just in the Ocean and enjoying the first swim of the year yesterday, and now back in Tokyo I need to wear my full winter gear in order to ride my bike...There is about 15 degrees Celcious in difference from Okinawa to Tokyo, and that is just on a 2 hour flight! Man it is not nice getting back here, now I need to find another excuse to make my way down there...But at least I found out that they drift in Okinawa too, there is a track in the middle of the island somewhere hidden on the top of some really big hill, and apperantly they all get together there every weekend to just hit the track and burn rubber. I took a couple of shots there, but for some strange reason my phone is not working right now and I can't send them to my computer?


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Actions speak louder than words!

NO B.S. just jump in the ocean and have fun ! It was awesome!


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Okinawa once again !

I flew out here very early in the morning, and when we got off the airplane it felt like walking into my house. Okinawa is so smooth and nice, people are friendly and the food is great. I came down here this time to set up a meeting with the base and some friends of mine that are trying to start an environmental movement in Okinawa. It all comes down to helping each other out where we can, and if we are lucky enough to get the concert up and running and small groups of environmentalists arise out of the efforts we have made it will have been worth it. I love the idea of trying to help out and ever since I watched Al Gore's " An inconvenient truth" I have been hooked on the idea of helping out with the environment. The meeting went great and everybody seemed to be headed towards the same goals, of raising awareness about the small inconvenient truths that are swept under the carpet everyday. And then of course to try and close the gap between locals and the Americans working down here hard to keep the peace in the South Pacific region of this world.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Stewart and Marik

I finally got to meet the Uchi Deshi at the Aikido Honbu, and they were all I expected them to be. They were full of life and energy, they loved their position in life and truly seemed happy doing what they were doing. We had a great interview about our mutual experiences with both coming to Japan and dealing with the culture shock, and various details in our lives that have meant something to us all. I must say that when I finally asked for a picture, Stewart was no where to be found? So I am only able to show you Marik. And through our experiences our talk soon became very real to all of us. I had a great time, and felt that I was able to connect with fellow martial artists even though our styles were so different. I was inspired and I hope that our paths will cross again.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Last shoot on SAMURAI SPIRIT

Do you remember that I was supposed to interview a couple of foreign Uchi Deshi(living Students) last week ? Well, it kept getting pushed back, and although it took a while to get there it is finally happening today. I also need to shoot the final cut on the show today, and I have been trying to frame out the words in my mind during this last week. It is a very important cut, that is always set up real good and I need to sit there and just get into character and then let my mind tell me exactly how I felt about the whole experience with Aikido. There is a lot of pressure on me during that cut, but I like the pressure and love it when I really nail.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

One day at a time


I ended up driving around Tokyo for various meetings today, and although things are not always as they seem once you put your mind to it you can make it happen. Before I couldn't stand meetings but now I realize the importance of everyone getting together and talking about things, and I have gotten used to working things out over the table. Today I have a whole bunch of meetings left and some of them I actually look forward to, so it is not too bad, but I finally also have enough time to get a workout done and that is something I have been looking forward to for quite some time now. Not being able to work out makes me feel like crap and now is the time to get started again.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wonderful Aikido

We went deep into the world of Aikido yesterday, it was like doing a scientific experiment or something like that. All movements got broken down and put up on a computer, and then I got analyzed. It was very informative and interesting to see my movements compared to a real master, once slowed down you can really tell where the difference is.

Monday, February 16, 2009

And it looks like...

I wont be eating any more Japanese beef for a while now, we finished off the shooting of the program yesterday and like everything else in life when things come to an end there is a always a bit of mixed feelings. I hope we are able to shoot another series or at least that we can all work together sometime soon again.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Bike Race Party !

If you got the time, then please show up !


Saturday, February 14, 2009

It is a wrap !

Yes, finished shooting on location in Maebashi, it was a whole new way to get close to all the cows and I now feel like i have a much better relationship with them. They are really like big dogs, they are cute and friendly and behave just like a big dog. You have to get to know them a bit before they let you touch them, but then once you start brushing them down they don't let you stop until you are done. I also enjoyed a great dinner of different kinds of dishes and although it might seems strange, it wasn't weird to eat the beef after having gotten that close to the animals.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

I met a real nice girl !

Isn't she cute...


Shooting went well

Today I spent about 9 hours on set in a Aikido Dojo, but it was a great job. I had so much fun and the Sensei and Kancho who was on scene were so helpful and teaching that I honestly felt the power of Aikido for the first time in my life. It was all I ever expected it to be, it was smooth and fast and cool and good, it was kind and friendly and open like all Budo should be. I left the place feeling a bit homesick. I missed Sosai Oyama very much today, I met Uchi Deshi from overseas and saw a bit of my self in them. It has been 15 years since I used to have a shaved head and said OSU to just about anything that moved. I loved the dedication and spirit of the way things were done today, and with nothing less than respect for the Sensei I was able to meet today, I already miss him. His awesome control of technique and manners was just overwhelming, I really felt something special today and it made miss something I have not felt in a very long time.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bob is back in town

Last couple of days I have been working a bit with Bob Sapp. He is in town for a few things and I am as always helping him out. We are going to make our way down to Okinawa next weekend to meet up with the American base to discuss our involvement in a big Charity concert in the fall. I love Okinawa and can't wait to get down there, but before that I have a whole bunch of other things to do and take care of. Today I am going to interview the Aikido foreign Uchi Deshi that I was supposed to meet last time.

またボブ サップは来日していろんなことを一緒にやっています、本人の周りはいつも忙しいので大変ですけど僕はかれとの付き合いはなれているので大丈夫です。来週は一緒に沖縄に行きます。9月か10月に沖縄で自然かんきょうを良くしていこうムーブメントの初めのチャリティーコンサートにボブとニコラスは手伝うことになりましたので、もう今からあいさつ回りに行きます。沖縄よりも、目の前にある仕事はたくさんあります、今日は月に会えなかった外人の内弟子との対談しに行きます。

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


OK! Let me just say that I was supposed to get grabbed and thrown on the floor, I was prepared to do that. What I was not prepared for was the pain that shot up though my arm when I was on the floor. The only way to escape that pain was by going down on the floor but then I was still totally immobilized, there simply was no escaping the iron grib of the Sensei. It was unreal! I never even realized that there are almost 3000 basic techniques in Aikido, it is a lot to master. I must admit that I must have looked a bit down on it as a Martial Art, but now I have nothing but respect for them. And I feel that I need to learn more, luckily for me I am shooting on the program tomorrow too, and next week again...I can just see that there is more pain coming.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Samurai Spirit !

Today I am up at the crack of dawn, gotta go and shoot on my program Samurai Spirit! And today I will be experiencing Aikido. There are some foreign Uchi Deshi, Living in Students, right now here in Japan and I am going to interview them about their life and choices for why they ended up over here like that. It is going to be fun to talk to them about all the things they have been through.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Fish

I spent my whole Sunday shopping! And at the end of the day I was able to put a couple of new fish in my tank and a crab ! I bought a crab for the first time ever. He looks like a little tank and behaves like one too!


Saturday, February 7, 2009

World Champion Green Tea

I went the World Champion Tea maker in Shizuoka the other day and his name was Ishihara. He was the one to show me how to enjoy tea at first class standards. We enjoyed a good long day together and although he was totally nervous in front of the camera, he did well and we had a good day together. He was world champion last year at the international tea championships in Brussels.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Shizuoka Japanese green tea

I spent all day in Shizuoka working on the NHK program "Delicious Nippon", and this time I was introducing Japanese Green Tea. I actually never realized that there were so many flavors and colors of Japanese Green Tea? I was never a fan of it always thinking that it was too bitter, but I ran into a few tea's that just tasted right. And that I must admit was a pleasant surprise.

昨日は朝の5:50に起きて静岡のロケに入りました!撮影は夜の21:00までかかりました、かなりいい感じの撮影をしました。僕は今回”Delicious Nippon”の収録でした、それで前回と同じく静岡だったけどシイタケではなかった。今回は緑茶の紹介でした、山ににも行きましたし。正しい緑茶の入れ方から飲み方まで教わりました。僕はあんまりファンじゃなかったですけど、今回はいろいろと探りを入れてみると緑茶の奥深さにおどろきました。僕でも本当においしい緑茶を飲むことができました。

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sendai Ramen !

Do you know what Ramen is? It is a Japanese dish adapted from Chinese noodles, in Japan it is so popular that it has its own sub culture. Japan really is a the land of pop cultures, with everything ranging from Anime(cartoons&comics) to figures, games and bikes, and then of course food. And amongst the popular foods is Ramen to be found, I have done lots and lots of Ramen programs in Japan and was at one stage called the Gaijin that loves Ramen! I am not sure that is a good thing, but it gave me lots of jobs. In Sendai I tried two different places and one of them was this place called Kazan(Volcano). The Ramen came out in a burning hot stone ware pot and the soup was then pored into the pot where it erupted into a boiling mass that heated everything up to create a wonderful dish of noodles/ramen in a miso based soup. It was more fun that yummy though!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Samurai Spirit !

On NHK international division I have my own program called "Samurai Spirit", and from next week I will be shooting on the next episode of the series. We are scheduled to shoot a minimum of 10 episodes over the next year, and it honestly feels good to have something regular on TV like that. It is good work and the staff are great, we all get together really well and it makes it so much better to work on location. I went for a small shoot and talk about the series last night and they told me that the programs are going to be aired online! So that means you will be able to see the shows from anywhere in the world!

“サムライ スピリット”は僕が初めて本当のNHKレギュラー番組を持つようになりました。今まではNHKの料理番組でマイコーナーだったので、今回は本当にNHKでのレギュラーですのでうれしくってしょうがないです。それで、打ち合わせに行きましたら、これからネットで見れるようになりますとのことで、皆さんは近いうちに世界のどこからでも見れるようになります!これから一年間少しかかりますが、もうこの番組のスタッフとこれから長~く仕事をしていくのは本当にうれしく思っています。現場でお互いに安心していい画が撮れるので本当にやりやすいかんきょうで僕も皆さんのきたいに答えができるように頑張ります。そして、来週は何と合気道を体験します。

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Good times in Sendai

I will be leaving Sendai today because I got to go back to Tokyo and work a bit again, but I think the trip was worth it here. I met with some good people and there was a lot of talk about buisness. I am hoping to get some local sponosrs for the bike race so we can raise the awareness about it. I also met with some TV producers that really were interested in filming me riding and having some fun with my bike etc. that should be a good thing for the potential sponsors.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sendai Hot Springs

I just checked in at the hotel in Sendai, this is where we will be racing over the summer. I am here to hook up with some of the local TV producers and possible sponsors! Hopefully things will work out good and we can all have a great season. Well, I gotta go to the Hot Springs with Koichi Pettas Muay Thai World Champion :)

今仙台のホテルにチェックインしました、東京よりちょっと寒いけど空気はかなり気持ちいです。今回はレースに応援してくれるテレビや大きい会社をやっているかたに挨拶回りです。うまくいけば今年のレースで大きいな風がふくようにしたいです、これからKoichi Pettasと温泉に入ってきます。。。:)

T.S.G. Karate test and new year party

Last night we held the Karate Test at the Spirit Gym in Harajuku, it was a small test of only 4 students but it was good. Everyone tried their best and the fighting was hard, I thought they all did really well. After the test we had a welcoming of the New Year party, and it was supposed to be at a really nice restaurant with an area outside on the terrace...but when we got there it turned out that because of the heavy rains and wind that raged in Tokyo for the last two days, the terrace had been laid to waste and was not suitable for guests. So we all dined inside and although the place was totally understaffed, we all helped out and had a good time. I didn't know that they had all chipped in to buy me a t-shirt for my birthday present. So when I got the "Death or Glory" shirt from Ed Hardy...I was really happy.

昨日はT.S.G.(The Spirit Gym)の空手のしょうきょう審査をやりました、2009はTSGにとっての最高にいいスタートでした、今回は4人しか受けなかったけど内容はかなり良かったです。そのあとはKoichi Pettasのベルトのお祝い会と新年会を含めてみんなもつ鍋屋に行きました。そこは何と師範大が選んだ店は皆さんが思った以上にひどくって、客に言えばひどすぎて楽しかったです。自分たちでビールやお酒を運んでいました!それよりも、僕の誕生日プレゼントにEd Hardyの”Death or Glory"のシャーツをもらいました!皆さんありがとうございました。審査の結果には関係ないけど。。:)今年はいい空手の年にしましょう!

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