Friday, June 29, 2007

A couple of shots from Holland

This is Lucia Rijker, do you know who? Well, if you don't then you need to google her. Cause she is one hard hitting woman, for those of you that know her I just want to say that she performed excellent in Clint Eastwood's " Million dollar baby". It was an honor to meet her and I wish her all the best in her upcoming shoot in Canada.

Lucia Rijkerです、日本ではあまり知られていないですけど。この人は昔強すぎてほかの女が相手になるような女性はいなかったためリングで男性と試合をしました!そのこんじょうで今映画界に持って何とハリーウッド映画に出ています。Clint Eastwoodの”Million Dollar Baby"で悪役を完璧に演じました。これからも応援しましょう、最近はレアリテイー番組を作っているそうです。

Here Bob is on the photo shoot the days before the fights, and as you can see he is getting right into character. Bobは試合の前の日の写真撮影のときでした、ビーストのオーラは出ています!

This is Norika Fujiwara reporting on location!

I am not quite sure why I am including this shot, but it looks like I am holding a fireball! It is one of those picture that you can't take even if you wanted to, it just happened like that.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

残念でした!What a shame !

それではオランダから帰ってきました、結果は皆さんがテレビで見たどうりです。あっという間にAertsの膝蹴りをもらってしまったため、いきは出来なかったのでテン(10)カウントの間には立ち上がれなかったです。まさかのK.O.負けになってしまった、残念でした。会場から大ブーイングを受けながらものが飛んできます、頭の上にビールはこぼされるし。。。たしかに弱かったけど、それはちょっとって感じでした。Bobは昔からの友人であるので今回は誰もいなかったので僕にお願いしてきましたため、オランダまで一緒に行きましたけどこんな風になるのは分からなかったです。自分としてはもう少し練習期間は欲しかったです。ただ、一つ言えるのはあの膝蹴りは本当に痛かったそうです、練習は出来ていないと立ち上がれないです。しかも、Aerts選手は世界No.1選手ですので甘く見ちゃいけないと思います。今回はこんな感じで終わってしまったけど、これからはちゃんと練習してもらって本当に新しいビースト、もしくは生まれ変わったビーストを見せてもらいたいです。。。それよりも自分は香港の試合があるのでそれに向かって今前すぐ走っています。自分は自分ですので、そこで結果を残せて秋のワールドGP に出れるようになりたいです。


What a shame it was to see a friend in such a situation. I mean, I understand all the circumstances involved around this fight, but still I think we can safely say that we were hoping for something that at least lasted a bit longer. But being a fighter myself, I know how hard it can be if you are not prepared properly. I just wish that we could have had some more time to prepare for this fight, I was asked just recently if I would help out, and being an old friend of Bob's I felt that I wanted to do what I could. We didn't have much to work with, and there was so much going on before and after the fight I feel that it is almost a miracle that he even made into the ring. I know that this was not the start that even he was hoping for, but you take what you can and that kick truly hurt him and sent him to the canvas. I have tried it myself and when you feel like someone has just stabbed you in the gut with an old rusted blade dipped in salt, there truly is not much that you can do. But roll up in the fetal position and wait for it to pass...I take my hat off for one of the greatest fighters of all time, Peter Aerts, he came in prepared to take on the world, and he did what he could to win. It must have been a huge disappointment to have a fight that has been hyped up so much to last such a short time. But honestly it just proves how good he is, perfect timing on the knee and that is all the big guy wrote that day. I also wish that Bob could have performed better, but that is because I know that he wanted to dig deep and find it inside of him. But when you get caught then you get caught...Let's hope that this is not the last time to see him in the ring again, next time I would like to see him in good shape and just doing it right. Apart from that I now got the fights in Hong Kong to look forward to, so I am going to be very busy training this next month!


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Team Beast with Blue eyed Samurai!

So here we are in Amsterdam in Holland, just flew over yesterday to help out Bob Sapp in the corner for this very controversial fight. I guess that the ones of you that could not read my previous entry could figure out that I been working with Bod this week. We have been friends for a long time, and there has been talk about us training together many times but this is the first official time for us to join together. He is going to fight against Peter Aerts this Saturday in the K-1 Holland show, and I can tell you that this is going to be a big show. All the greatest fighters are booked on the show and the fans are exited about the whole event. Just yesterday we had the afternoon off and decided to go into the town and get something to eat. And fans were stopping us on the street and getting all exited about Bob, I feel this is a great opportunity to him back in the ring again and also just clear out the bad feelings from last year. Later on today we are going to do some interviews and a few photo shoots, and then there is the press conference tomorrow. It is very exiting to be working with such a big celeberity, and at then at the same time just to know him as the man he has always been. He is a really good guy to hang out with and he is not just fun on screen but off screen he always keeps us all on our toes. I hope it will be a good clean fight, something that all the fans can enjoy to watch. He is going to gives his best, but let's not forget that he hasn't fought in over a year. I just whish I had had some more time to work with him before this fight, but in K-1 style "Do or Die" he accepted the fight just this last week. It takes a lot of courage to do that even for a big guy like him. But for now all I gotta do is get over to the TV crew and help out with everything. I the only thing I can say now is that the fight WILL HAPPEN, so stay tuned in for it when the 2 giants clash in the ring this Saturday in the Amsterdam Arena !

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


6.23K-1オランダ大会で復帰するボブ・サップが、ピーター・アーツ戦に向けて必殺の“ビーストラッシュ”を公開【スポーツナビ】 サップ、必殺の“野獣ラッシュ”公開! アーツ撃沈宣言出た=6.23K-1  K-1と電撃和解を果たし、現地時間6月23日にオランダで開催されるK-1オランダ大会でピーター・アーツと対戦することが決定したボブ・サップが19日、都内のジムで練習を公開した。サップは「この1年半、試合には出ていなくてもずっとトレーニングをしていた」と語っていたとおり、ブランクを感じさせない豪快なパンチをアピール。「KOかギブアップで終わらせてやるさ!」と、復帰戦いきなりのKO宣言だ。 サップのK-1デビュー前から親交があったというニコラス・ペタスをトレーナーに迎え、ピーター・グラハムと3人でトレーニングを開始。ストレッチ運動に始まり、最少歩数・最短距離で相手をコーナーに追い詰めていくステップの確認、ミット打ち、サンドバッグ打ちなど1時間弱、みっちりと体を動かした。 「非常にいい感じで仕上がっている。ニコラスと本格的な練習をするのは今日が初めてなんだけど、的確に教えてくれるし、いい感触をつかんだ。これからも一緒にやっていきたいし、今日練習したことを試合で生かしていきたい。もちろん、試合まではピーター対策に重点をおいた練習をしていくよ」 この日の練習で目立った点といえば、相手をコーナーに押し込み、そこからパンチ、ヒザのラッシュを仕掛けていく動きだ。これは名づけて“ビーストラッシュ”。サップが新しく開発した必殺のコンビネーションだという。 「プレッシャーをかけてコーナーに追い詰めて、パンチやヒザ、ローも出してラッシュを仕掛けていくんだ。この“ビーストラッシュ”が試合でもうまく出せれば、KOかピーターのギブアップで試合は終わる。この形が理想的なフィニッシュだな!」 05年大みそか「Dynamite!!」の武蔵戦以来1年半ぶりのブランク明けの試合がいきなり、過去3度K-1世界王者に輝いたアーツと条件は確かに厳しい。だが、サップは臆することなく不敵な笑みをニヤリ浮かべると、試合が待ちきれない“爆発寸前”の胸の内を語った。 「1年半ぶりの試合だけど、その当時も負けが続いていたから、そのウップンを晴らしたいし、久しぶりの試合ということで溜まっているウップンもすべて晴らしたい。休んでいた間はいい感じで過ごせていたから、精神的にも技術的にも選手としてオレは成長できた。もちろん、パワーもアップしている。ムハハハハ!」 1年半の沈黙を破り、ついにリングに降り立つサップ。鎖から解き放たれた野獣が自慢のパワーでK-1V3王者をなぎ倒し、「サップ復活」を全世界にアピールしてみせるか。

Monday, June 11, 2007

These days. 最近。

So you know how sometimes you feel like time just goes by real fast, well I guess that is how it feels when you find yourself real busy. This Sunday I was up at the crack of first light and up on my bike. I drove out to Shinagawa St. and took the bullit train to Osaka, I had to make my way down there for a kind of talk show. Got there in time and then straight back to Tokyo! Off the train and then straight to Koichi's fight in the Korakuen. I mean I went as fast as possible, but it still took me over 6 hours of traveling just to sit down and talk for about 40 min. But it was good to see the fans turn up and cheer me on, I liked the atmosphere that was in the air, and everyone was really nice. I had a good time. But then again, off my bike and up the stairs! I made it just in time to see Koichi of for the last round of the fight. I could tell by the way he looked at me that he had done allright. I was confident that he would be able to beat the guy he was going to fight, but still this guy turned out to be a lot tuffer than we had expected. It was a good fight for him at this time in his way up the ladder. I stayed on and watched a couple of other fights, and enjoyed the intensity in the Korakuen, still the only real place to watch fighting in Japan. I then decided to go home, because I needed to get up early for Mondays first session. And that was when it hit me, although I had been reading my book on the train, I was still doing something. This was the first time in the whole last week where I found myself utterly alone, and riding my Harley through the deserted streets of Tokyo on a Sunday night. It was pure joy to feel the bike purring between my legs, and most of the intersections just happened to turn green whenever I pulled up to them! So it made it all worth it, I wanted to cruise around a bit more. I was almost starting to whish that I lived further away...It was just me on a bike, and all that black top leading the way. I don't know if it was the bike event that just happened to collide with my life in such a way, that on my way home I would have one of those moments...We have all had them, you know when everything just seems right. Like you can't go wrong, everything you do just makes sense and when you don't make sense it is cool because you go with the flow and it all blends into sense. I love getting up in the morning and running, it gives me a clear day all day. And after that run last night, I was sure to have a great day. You know even the fact that I had set my heart out to get myself a Whopper with cheese at the newly opened Burger King in Shinjuku, but since I was not exactly the only BK fan to have gotten that idea, and didn't feel I could endure the 1 hour and 30 min. it would take to get me that Whopper, I had a great run last night. I think that I might make a thing out of it, you know just jump up the Hog and drive around in the middle of the night of Tokyo. Or even better make it a Sunday night drive thing, I mean I always end up in front of the TV Sunday night trying to figure out who is going to be the next American Idol...And since the contest is already over and I know that, WAIT you haven't heard it yet???well, it was Jordin Sparks that won it, and she deserved it too...Damn shame that they got rid of Lakisha! That girl can sing too...


Tuesday, June 5, 2007


そうです、日曜日はコウイチ試合の日です。最近は練習はキツイですのでいろいろとBlogで書くのを忘れている。。。この前の日曜日はRyo Pettas と丸山選手もTribalateで試合をしました!もっと早くみんなに教えたかったのです。Ryo君はメインイベントでしたので今回かなりプレッシャーを感じたと思います。試合はとても良かったです、Ryoはとにかく自分の力を全部出して一生懸命頑張っていました。相手も一生懸命やっていましたのでお互いにとてもいいけいけんは出来たんじゃないかと思います。結果は判定勝ちでしたので、とりあえず一安心。前回はひじありルールだったので二ラウンドで二ヶ所かおが切れてためドクターストップ。。。ドクターストップを言えば、丸山君も一生懸命頑張ってくれましたし、どっちかというと頑張りすぎて2回ダウンをとった後にすねが1cmほど切れたのでドクターストップされました!これは分かっているけど、本当に勝って欲しかったのでしばらくリングサイドでドクターともめました。結果はT.K.O.負けになるけど試合はよゆうで勝っていました。ま~また今度あるので頑張ってよ、もう今日から練習に復活しましたのでたいしたケガではないみたいです。今週もう一試合があるので、ここでRyoの兄貴にいいところを見せてもらいたいです。そして、日曜日の昼間は大阪まで行きます!Harley Davidsonのイベントに呼ばれて顔を出します。良かったら遊びに来て下さい!


Saturday, June 2, 2007

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