Saturday, March 31, 2007

Shibata Dental Clinic!

この前家族でShibata dental clinic(柴田歯科)に行きました、柴田先生と僕は長い付き合いがありまして。そして、僕の歯をずーと見てもらっているけど、今回は子供の歯を見てもらうことにしました。初めてだったので子供は興味はもちろんあるけど、なんとなく怖いって感じだった。行く前からみんなで話し合って怖くないように面白くしてみたけど、やっぱり行くと虫歯を治すとただ見てもらうと話はだいぶ違う。そこで、先生の子供に対しての優しさをみて本当に上手と思いました。いろんなものを触らせて信頼を作り上げて、一番怖いちゅしゃだって平気だった。自分の子供のときを思い出すと未だに歯医者はいやだと思う。学校でみんな並ばされて、”ハイ!次だ~”みたいな感じで、まっすいなしで口の中で思い切りドリルをやられたんです。痛かったです、怖かったです、いやだった。しかし、柴田先生と娘の姿をみて本当に安心したというよりも。感動しました、これで歯医者とのいい始めての出会いだったので娘は自身もってくれたので歯医者は怖くないって言っている。ある意味ではうらやましいです、多分世界中に歯医者はすきって言う人は少ないと思うけど、それは初めての出会いの問題だとすごく感じました。これからは子供みんな柴田先生に見てもらいたいと思いました。正直下手なところにつれてけないです。先生はすごく忙しいですので予約はなかなか取れない理由も分かりますけど、待つ価値は絶対にあります。最近このホームページも出来たんですが良かったらたすねて見てください。


So I wanted to talk about my Dentist today. Last week I took the whole family to Shibata Sensei's clinic, it was the first time for all of us to go and since my oldest daughter had a bit of a bad tooth. I was a bit nervous of the outcome. I knew that we would have to fix it, but the memories I have as a kid getting my teeth fixed at the school dentist. Are not exactly the fondest ones. "Next! come over here and lie down. Oh, you have a hole here we have to fix!" And then this humongous lady would hold my head down and just make sure that I could not move, and then came all the drilling!!! Needless to say that when I decided to have my teeth fixed I was not looking forward to it. But even I feel really secure going to Shibata Sensei's clinic, I can lie down and just give myself over to his hands. I just know that he will do his best. And that is what I saw when he worked on my daughter, he spoke to her in calm tones and showed her all the instruments he was going to use. After he explained everything to her, he made her make the decisions of if he could work on her teeth or not. Even when it came to the most scary needle he had already built up so much trust that she wasn't afraid, and could work through it. I was genuinely impressed with his methods. And after that all the girls were not afraid and now they want to go back. I wish I could have grown up with such a relationship with my dentist, I think that there is a world wide fear of dentist's and it is the reason so many people wait so long when they do have a bad tooth. So that when they finally go to the dentist it is no longer just a cavity but it is a root canal that has to be fixed...Well, anyway here is the link if you want to check it out.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Venom is coming!!!

I just saw the teaser for the new Spider-man movie and it looked awesome! I am glad that they are releasing the movie all over the planet at the same time. 1st. of May. Is going to be the day to go to the movies...I am looking forward to it, like a kid looking towards X-mas. The Spider world that is portrayed in the movies have now become part of us, it is not some phony make believe world like the one in the Batman movies, something that I have no interest in what so ever, but more to the point, Spider movies have in my opinion made the best transition from comic book to big screen. Can't wait till it comes out, maybe we should all dress up as Spider-man and then go to the movies. It most definitely brings out the kid in me...


昨日Spider-man 3のトレイラーを見ました、今までの映画以上に面白そうだった。たしかに1が出たときはかなり興奮しましたけど、今回はもうスパイダーワールドが完成したものでいろんな説明は必要なくなったため、純粋にストリーだけで楽しめることが出来るから、今度5月1日は全世界同時リリースだということで。その日は是非映画館にスパイダーマンの全身タイツで見に行きたいです。。。持っていないけど、誕生日に来てくれたスパイダーマンにお願いすれば貸してくれるかも?


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Another loss, 残念でした

So these are a couple of shots taken with my camera before the event. Sorry to say that we lost on a decision, but on the upside Koichi was up against his biggest challenge yet and he went the whole way. I was very proud of him and although he seemed a bit upset about the loss, I think he really fought well. Of course when you loose you learn something and there were a few mistakes, but I didn't see anything that cannot be fixed for the next time he gets in the ring. I really wanted him to win and it just puts more fire in my heart that he lost after Ryo. So next week we are going back into the gym and there are no more excuses for not correcting the mistakes that we have made in the past two fights. I need to up the ante and then just take everything in a stride. It is when the head winds are the strongest that one must step up and face it head on, we are all at a point in our lives where we need to face things head on and just not take no for an answer. I will see if I can get some pictures from the fights from somewhere, but for now all I have is of Koichi eating his lunch at a Denny's before the fight...And then one from the press conference!




Thursday, March 22, 2007

Heat 3rd. in Nagoya

I just read my entry from last night and realized like Pandora pointed out that I had forgotten to write something in English...So here it is, a couple of days ago I was at the event in Differ Ariake with Ryo Pettas. It was his first fight in the organisation called J-Network, and they fight under full Thai rules with elbows. So needless to say that we had been working a lot on the elbows for these last 6 months. But during the fight he got caught with a well placed knee, and then it was hard to pick up the pace after that. The whole thing ended with him getting cut real bad under his left eye, TKO loss for him hit us all very hard. We had prepared well for the fight but you never know what can happen on the day, and the worst thing happened he lost and got cut. At least he didn't get discouraged, I felt really responsible for him and now that we know better what we are up against we need to go back in the gym and just work harder. So I am in Nagoya right now, it is about 2 hours out of Tokyo, here with Koichi to fight against Andrew Peck. Last time I was here I fought the main event against Onda, Japanese big guy. It was a good event and everyone is really friendly. Today Koichi is fighting his biggest opponent so far, and I am sure that he will do well. He has been sparring a lot with Peter Graham, whom I went to New Zealand with to fight against Andrew last year. We won that fight in the second round with low we know what we are up against, and hope to do something like that again. Anyway, the bus is here and I gotta get on it or we will be late for the fights...So hope to be able to report something nice in a couple of hours!



今はKoichi君と夜の飯を食べたばかりで、ホテルに戻ってネットで遊んでいたら。何か最近Blogに何も新しい情報ないなと思いました、昨日はRyo君Differ有明で残念なTKO負けで相手にひじ打ちをやられてしまった。一日ずーっと反省をしていました、自分のチームのメンバーは誰か負けると自分も負ける気がするので本当に悔しいです。今回は何が悪いのかとずーと悩んでいたら、やはり試合でやる組手と事務内でやる組手のギャップはあまりにも大きいです。これを直さないといけないと思います、難しい注文ですが成長をするためにはこれしかないです。次までにしっかり勉強をしてがんばってほしいです。しかし、自分はこうやって悩んでいるときにKoichiはもう試合です。写真は何枚か載せたかったですが、ホテルのパソコンでは無理でしたのでまた今度にする。相手のAndrew Peck選手はこの前New ZealandでPeter Grahamと試合をしましたときから会っていないですけど相変わらずからだは大きいです。今回も120kgぐらいあります、Koichi君は普段Peterとスパーリングをやっているのでなれているんです。明日はみんなの為に勝ってもらいたいです。それでは皆さん試合は終わるまで。。。


Thursday, March 8, 2007


Monday, March 5, 2007

K-1 Yokohama !

3月21日Differ 有明ではJ-Network”Starting point of J" ランク入りの一戦Ryo Pettas 決定
3月23日 Heat 3rd. in Nagoya Zepp, Koichi Pettas Vs. Andrew Peck
時間はあれば是非見に来て下さい!もし、チケットは買いたいけどどこで買えばいいか分からないのであれば、 まで気軽にメール送ってください。よろしくお願いします。


Last Sunday we all went to see the K-1 Yokohama fights. I was very interested in seeing how everybody would embrace the -100kg's class, and it was really great to see that the fans all seemed to find it a good thing. There were some real big upsets that just blew me away, LeBanner got dropped ! ? I am not sure what happened in that fight...But then Badr Hari and Ruslan got in the ring and the whole arena changed. It was a great fight, I must say that in the end Hari, got in one of the cleanest shot of the tournament and ended winning by K.O. after being dropped by a left hook. Anyway, some of my boys have got fights coming up this month and I thought that I would let you all know, if you have the chance and time then please come and watch.
March 21st. J-Network " Starting point of J" Ryo Pettas has got his first ranking fight
March 23rd. Heat 3rd. in Nagoya Zepp Koichi Pettas Vs. Andrew Peck
Don't miss it !


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