Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Spider-Man at my birthday party!!!

Yeah, Spider-Man actually showed up, I couldn't believe it! Somehow Peter Graham had met this Dude that does Spider-Man for a living! I was totally blown away, and I am sure the whole Outback's in Shibuya was blown away too...It was just great. I also put a picture of my friend Hiro up there so you guys can met one of my best friends in Japan, I know that there was a time when there was a lot of talk about the Tattoo's and Hiro just stood up for himself, well, anyway I have nothing but respect for the guy, so now here is a face to his voice. As you can see I am in very good spirits, not just because of the fact that Spider-Man showed up but spending quality time with good friends, makes me very happy. I also got a whole lot of cool stuff, I mean I wish that I could have a birthday a couple of times a year. In the bottom is a link and a picture of a really cool wallet that my friend from S'Factory gave me, check it out!




Monday, January 29, 2007

So I just heard...今聞いたばかりです。。。



I just found out that K-1 officially made the press conference to hold a -100kg class tournament!
I can't believe it, this is what I have been waiting for them to do for so long. I think that this is great, I believe that fighters like myself will be able to put on a much better show if paired up against fighters my own size, compared to the giants that are now competing in the top end. Yes, I understand that the end of the year GP is a open weight class, because they want to stay true to deciding the worlds best stand up fighter. But at least it will be a bit more evened out, I mean the K-Max(-70Kg's) is doing great because everyone loves the top level Japanese fighters, and the same thing could happened in the -100kg's class. There are some excellent fighters in Japan that just don't make it because they have to fight all the really big boys. I have definitely chosen the right time to come back to the K-1. I am exited about this year, man I can't wait to get back into full training again.


Friday, January 26, 2007

Finally ! やっと!

I finally had my big cast taken off, I guess that all the stuff that I have been doing for the rehab
has been paying off. I have been taking lot's of Calcium and vitamins to help speed up the process of healing. And also I am using a supersonic device on my arm to exercise the actual bone, this device I also used when I had my leg broken. And it seems to speed up the process of healing up to 30% faster!!! I don't know about the 30% but I do know that it does make you feel like you are really doing something everyday. Apart from that I have been doing these 1 hour sessions of a special air tank everyday, it is a Co2 tank that is supposed to help speed up recovery of just about any kind of injury. Honestly after doing it just about everyday for a month, I am not sure that it gives me more than just a nice nap during the day...OK that was uncalled for, I need to believe the results from all the scientific research that has been put into machines like this. So I will keep doing it! Apart from that life is a lot easier with just a small cast on my forearm, I rode my bike for the first time in a month, and it was but great and terrible at the same time. It was cold and ruff so I didn't feel good on the two wheeler, but I soon got the hang of it and today it was just a smooth ride in the nice winter sun.
Falling asleep yesterday and waking up was great! That big thing I had stuck on my arm was really giving me trouble sleeping, but now that it is off I am sleeping like a baby. A full 8 or 9 nine hours of sleep and I almost felt like a new man. I knew that this was going to happen, and I knew that once I was over the hump of this injury that I would be making great progress, and although I have been there and done this so many times before, it still makes amazes me how great it feel to be back on my own feet. I woke up feeling so good that I had to work out, so I took my running shoes to the gym and ran for 35 min. And now I just feel great, although sparring is still far off I know that it will not be long before I am raging wars against Peter Graham and all the other guys on my team.


腕のギブスはこの前の水曜日に取れました!やっとって感じでしたけど早くないと思うし、しかしあのでっかいギブスはもうたくさんでした。何回も何回も骨折の経験があるので治るまでの道もよく理解しているので今回は精神的にすごく楽だったけど、やはりギブスがはめられる。。。気持ちはどこかで複雑になる。複雑になるからこぞこの前の水曜日はどれだけ気持ちよかったかというと、最高に気持ちよかったです。がまんできずに木曜日からもうバイクに乗っている!それはそれでまた気持ちいいのか気持ち悪いのかというよりも、最初は左腕には力が入らないから乗っている自分はバカに感じた、けど今日は天気も良かったしブレーキは全然問題なかったし。やっぱり、あのさんそキャプセルと超音波のマシーンを使ってよかったな~と思いました。今日朝起きたら体は本当に気持ちや勝ったので何とかしなきゃって感じだったので、ランニング靴をジムにもってて35分をランニングしました。ま~今日からって言えば、まだまだスパーリングは出来るまで時間はかかるかも知れないけど。走りながらピーター グラハムとチームの他のメンバーのはぎしい打ち合いは頭の泣けでは見えました。。。楽しみですね!


Monday, January 22, 2007

Happy Birthday ! 34歳になってしまった!



Yep, I know that once you get over 30 you want to stop counting, but the truth is out there. At least I still feel like I am 26, so I guess that when I am 40 I feel like I am 30 or something like that...


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Just a few thoughts...

So I wrote this long entry in my Blog the other day, about the history of prize fighters. It was more like a reasoning for why I thought Akiyama did what he did, there was a real strong response to it. I think that during the history of professional fighting there has been countless stories of things fighters have, or more correct spoken coaches have done to get their fighters to win. Fighters back in the day in boxing used to hold a hand full of coins, or a knuckle guard made out of brass would be wrapped up inside the gloves. Others have cut gloves open during a fight where the fighter was loosing in order to give him a rest while the found a new pair of gloves. But these are stories of the past, or so we would like to think. At a venue this big with the amount of press on each fighter it is hard to believe that things like this still goes on. But the truth is since every body's paycheck is depending on what happens in that ring, there is a very big chance that fighters and coaches as well will search for loopholes, to give their fighter an advantage. I think that is understandable to the point where, as long as you know what risk you are facing. Do the crime-do the time. It is as clear as that. I am sure that the turn of events after this has given everybody some food for thought. But at the end of the day we are all human, and that is what we have to face as fighters. It is the choice we have made, and it is therefore also the reason for us having to train so much everyday so that we are able to face any challenge. I am getting just a little tired of talking about fighting , since I can't do anything right now. I am looking forward to getting this had out of the cast. It has been 3 weeks now, so I am almost half way there. Once I can start training everything is going to look a lot different, time just doesn't go by as fast when I can't do much. I am lucky that I get get around at least, when I had my leg broken I had to use my wheel chair to drive around, and that is not fun. I remember I was so tired of not being able to work out that I decided to go for a run, on the wheelchair, so I made my way out of the house and put on some rubber gloves to protect my hands. About half way around the block I got stuck on ledge, and couldn't get up and over. When this guy came over on his bicycle and said " Hey, you are Nicholas Pettas! Can I shake your hand? " and then after shaking his hand he got back up on his bicycle and drove of...I was left for stranded on the ledge, with nothing but my pride left, not being able to ask for a little help. I finally made my way over the ledge and regained a bit of my pride, but it was a long time before I tried to pull such a stunt again...


Monday, January 15, 2007


プライズファイター用は賞金かせぎ、これは昔からあります。そして、それの歴史をちょっと見る必要があるんじゃないか?この前Blogに秋山のことを書いたら、意外とみんなそれそれの意見がありました。本来なら命を護るために格闘技は生まれたんです、それはタイに行けばMuay Thaiは300年以上の歴史はあるんです。人間は昔から戦っていました、何と2000年以上前にPankrationはギリシャで生まれた、ローマではGladiator'sの殺し合いの世界最大舞台コロセアムはありました。時代ははるかにも今とまったくべつのものと考えてもいいと思いますが、平気で人は剣で殺されていた時代でした。人間は当時からだいぶ成長したと思うけど。人間の本能では強いものにあこがれます、だからスポーツは人気あります。基本的にヒーローにほれます。格闘技は今の時代にはそれの延長です、ようは今は相手を殺すと犯罪にしか見えない。しかし、プロのリングに行けばお金は手に入ります。お金と名誉。プロの選手はたくさんいるんですが、みんなそれそれ目的は違う。自分個人として純粋の格闘技のスピリットは好きです、若いときからこれしかやっていないから家族をもてるようになるとこれでしか飯食えないです。だからプロになった、ある意味では仕事です。たまたま自分大好きな仕事で飯を食えるようになった。だから、その道の山や谷もよく分からないといけないです、分かった上でやらないと駄目です。アマチュアーのニコラスと今は何が変わったかというとリング上でのパフォーマンスは給料に直接えいきょうはあります。だから、毎日練習を頑張る、勝つのは何よりもおいしいです。自分の相手でも同じ考えを持っているからリングではぶつかったときに試合になります。これは勝ちたい毎回勝ちたい、けど世界にたくさん強い選手はいる、毎回勝てない。。。誰でも負ける、でもそれでは終わりじゃないです、負ければストーリーはそこで始まるだけです。男として武道の精神をまもって毎日の練習を続けた結果はみんなの前で見せたいだけです。自分のすべてを出しても勝てない試合はあるけどそれはそれで勉強して、出直せばいい話です。自分は失うものはないから、誰と試合をするのは怖くないです。しかし、秋山選手みたいな選手は自分の中で失うものがありすぎて、純粋に試合を見れないです。考え方をちょっと変えるだけでそんなことをする必要ないのに。。。男としてちゃんとやったときに勝ったときの喜びは本当の今現代の格闘技、武道の道だと思います。しかし、プロでは汚いことをする選手たくさんいます、痛み止めをうつ選手、興奮剤を使う選手、道着に石鹸をぬる人。。。たくさんそういう話はあるけど、少なくっても僕はあこがれる選手はそういう手を使わないです。ルールがある上ではスポーツとして成立されるわけですから、そのルールは守った上での戦いにして欲しいです。技、タイミング、スピード、力、ハートさえそろえれば勝てます、体はケガしなければ。。。腕を折ったりするときはあるらしい!気をつけましょう。


Friday, January 12, 2007

Akiyama what are you doing? 秋山ショック!



You know in regard to what Akiyama did, I honestly don't feel that we are on the same path of Budo spirit! I don't care how much he apoligizes he is out of my books...


Tuesday, January 9, 2007

レントゲン。 X-ray of my arm

This is what it looked like on the X-ray! It is a very clean break and it will heal perfectly well. No need for any surgery or any other extreme procedures, it's just a good old fractured bone. I my time doing martial arts I have had enough of those to know the procedure, I know what it will take and how long it will take, so I am feeling really optimistic about it all. I start rehab next month when they chop down the cast to a smaller one that I can take on and off. I will be back soon enough to rock the ring again.

Friday, January 5, 2007

I got a new car ! 新しい車を手に入れた!



 そうだ、腕の話なんですが全然大丈夫です。昨日本格的なギブスを巻きました、これは今月いっぱいつけて来月は取り外しが出来るものに変えて。練習開始だ!すぐですよ、このケガは今までしたケガと比べてみるとなんでもないです。ちょっと今家でヒマをしているだけです。来週はチームの練習は始まるのでそこで口を動かす練習にはなると思います。しかし2007年って言うか新しい年をあけるとわくわくして、きっと今年は面白くなるんじゃないか。そして、マーク ギンサーが日本に帰ってきます、リハビリには最高です、俺は早くジムに戻りたいです。


So I was going to buy a new car if I won my fight last week but...since I lost I had to settle for this little one. It is a Lego replica of a Ferrari Spider, and I look really cool in it. I whish I could get a real new car, but at least I get to dream about it. By the way just in case you were wondering if I could have or were going to buy the real Ferrari! Then let me just let you know that there is no way I could afford a car like that on the money I make fighting. I was looking at something bigger and cheaper( a lot cheaper), I have a whole bunch of kids that I have to fit in there too, so a sports car is not really what I want.

Oh, about my arm? It is doing great, I finally got the hard cast on it and now it is just 3 or 4 weeks like this then, I am changing to a smaller cast that I can take on and off for showers and light training. So this is not really a big setback, I have a lot of experience with injuries and can adjust quite easy to it. I also have a very good idea of how to rehab, plus Mark Ginther my long time friend and personal trainer is moving back to Japan this month. I am sure he is going to get my ass into the gym soon and then there is no escaping. I already look forward to it.


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