Sunday, January 21, 2007

Just a few thoughts...

So I wrote this long entry in my Blog the other day, about the history of prize fighters. It was more like a reasoning for why I thought Akiyama did what he did, there was a real strong response to it. I think that during the history of professional fighting there has been countless stories of things fighters have, or more correct spoken coaches have done to get their fighters to win. Fighters back in the day in boxing used to hold a hand full of coins, or a knuckle guard made out of brass would be wrapped up inside the gloves. Others have cut gloves open during a fight where the fighter was loosing in order to give him a rest while the found a new pair of gloves. But these are stories of the past, or so we would like to think. At a venue this big with the amount of press on each fighter it is hard to believe that things like this still goes on. But the truth is since every body's paycheck is depending on what happens in that ring, there is a very big chance that fighters and coaches as well will search for loopholes, to give their fighter an advantage. I think that is understandable to the point where, as long as you know what risk you are facing. Do the crime-do the time. It is as clear as that. I am sure that the turn of events after this has given everybody some food for thought. But at the end of the day we are all human, and that is what we have to face as fighters. It is the choice we have made, and it is therefore also the reason for us having to train so much everyday so that we are able to face any challenge. I am getting just a little tired of talking about fighting , since I can't do anything right now. I am looking forward to getting this had out of the cast. It has been 3 weeks now, so I am almost half way there. Once I can start training everything is going to look a lot different, time just doesn't go by as fast when I can't do much. I am lucky that I get get around at least, when I had my leg broken I had to use my wheel chair to drive around, and that is not fun. I remember I was so tired of not being able to work out that I decided to go for a run, on the wheelchair, so I made my way out of the house and put on some rubber gloves to protect my hands. About half way around the block I got stuck on ledge, and couldn't get up and over. When this guy came over on his bicycle and said " Hey, you are Nicholas Pettas! Can I shake your hand? " and then after shaking his hand he got back up on his bicycle and drove of...I was left for stranded on the ledge, with nothing but my pride left, not being able to ask for a little help. I finally made my way over the ledge and regained a bit of my pride, but it was a long time before I tried to pull such a stunt again...


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