Tuesday, January 5, 2010

sleeping at night!

I am on my second week of working out now, and although it is kind of going slower than what I used to be able to I am getting a little fitter everyday. I don't see the change in my weight yet but I know I working out because I sleep like a baby at night now. And let me just say that is just awesome, to be able to go to bed at night and sleep all night through. There were a couple of years where I couldn't sleep more than an hour or two without waking up from the pain in my hip. I was loosing it slowly but steadily, it simply wears you down. But lately I have been enjoying some real nice sleep, uninterrupted sleep is priceless. I woke up the other day after having slept all night and looked around my bedroom, going in my mind "Wow that was weird? what time is it now? No way! it's morning..." I am loving my new hip!


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