Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bud's Hair !

You can see here that I needed the sunglasses to keep the mop down!

So after my last fight I was lifting weights with Mark Ginther and Peter Graham at the GOLD'S GYM, in Omotesando, when we started talking about how we all needed a hair cut. I had just finished my set when I overheard Peter saying, " I bet you can't grow your hair till the next fight!" So I said" Put your money where your mouth is!" And fair to our statements, we ended up betting 50U$! I promised I would not cut it until I got confirmation on my next fight, and Mark would be the go between. So I didn't cut it until yesterday! Of course this means that I have confirmation on my next fight, but I just can't tell you yet because it hasn't been made official yet. But that is not going to hold me back from cutting my hair! It was getting so long that when sparring I would get it in my eyes. I don't think it has been that long since...I was a kid ! Thank you Nishioka-san, you cut it real nice this time.

そして、髪の毛はやっと切れました!だいぶ前にピーターグラハムとマーク ギンザーさんたちとGOLD'S GYM で筋トレをしているときでハペニングがありました、ピーターは髪の話しをしていたら絶対に次の試合まで切らないで我慢できないだろう!と冗談を言ったら、待て!俺は出来る、お金をかけましょう。そしたら、その金額ではなくって男のプライドとしての金額にしないと意味がない。用は金額は高いほど我慢しやすいって言うことで、50U$って言う安い金額にしました。次の試合は何と決まったので俺は昨日Bud's Hairの西岡さんのところに行ってきれいに切ってもらいました!気持ちいぞ~どれぐらい伸びたかというと練習のときに目に入るぐらい伸びたよ!ここにいろんな写真をのせました、ビフォー&アフター。。。 イン 恵比寿!

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