Thursday, January 10, 2008

Legendary Kickboxer Nitta Akeomi !

On Jan. 13th. he is having his last fight to end an era of fighting that has spanned over 15 years. I have been a friend for many years and we have often supported each other in our times of hardship. I was fortunate enough to train him up to his runner up place in the K-MAX JAPAN, a couple of years ago. He has inspired thousands of fans world wide, and fought and trained in more countries than I could count with my fingers. He went 5 full rounds against Ramon "The Diamond" Dekker in Kourakuen, at a time when I was still just saying Osu and doing kata's in the Honbu. We have grown into a friendship that transcends borders and I have nothing but respect for him. Our families play together. So it is with a lot of memories that I can say that we are all going to miss him in the ring, but it is also with peace in my mind that I can truly say. You gave everything you had and made something for yourself, so good for you my friend, good for you. I am honored to have been able to work with you in your time and your dedication humbles me. All the best on Sunday, give him hell and finish of in style. Osu!

Shinjuku Face Jan. 13th. opening fight 18:00~

If you have time then show up and support him, Osu !


 新田明臣が代表を務めるNPO法人バンゲリングベイ主催第1回大会「BUNGELING BAY 縁 ~enishi~」(1月13日、東京・新宿FACE)の全対戦カードが決定した。 第2試合にヘビー級3回戦、Edo Ryoma vs. 小阪俊二が追加決定。Edoは、ニコラス・ペタスが指導する日系ブラジル人選手。小阪は我龍真吾の愛弟子であり、30代現役格闘家指導者の愛弟子対決となった。 また、75.0kg契約3回戦で予定されていた加藤智亮 vs. SENZOは、加藤が練習中の負傷により欠場となり、代わって加藤の実兄である加藤和徳が出場することとなった。 なお、今大会をもって新田明臣はキックボクシングの現役引退を表明している。■NPO法人バンゲリングベイ主催第1回興行「BUNGELING BAY 縁 ~enishi~」1月13日(日)東京・新宿FACE 16:30ロビー開場 17:00ホール開場VTR公開18:00セミプロマッチ開始 18:30オープニング開始予定


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