Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kagoshima-1 or is it K-1

I got up at 4:30 this morning, still here in Kagoshima I had to get up in time to catch the Yellow Tail Fish that I have been doing a report on. It was cold and dark and wet, but it is all part of the job so I just take it all in full swing. It has been a very nice trip down here and last night we had a feast, Yellow Tail is only bred here in the whole world and talking from experience I can tell you that they are worth all the work of getting them up on that dinner table. The fish we pulled out of the ocean today will be eaten at tables in New York or Moscow less than 48 hours from now. It takes about 18 months in the big cages in the ocean where they are all bred from 4~5cm to 70cm and between 7~8kg. And that is all over in one meal, but what a meal that is. I had a great time, being on location always gives me a feeling of both making new friends and learning something new. The next program we are shooting is about Shiitake, Japanese mushrooms. Oh, this is Black Vinegar sitting there sunbathing for about 3 years...

今日朝の4:30に起きて、港のほうに向かいました。昨日はぶりに餌をあげましたけど今日はアメリカやロシアに送るブリをすくい上げる作業を撮影しました。朝5時は暗い、寒いそして海はウエットです。皆さんは朝から元気がよくって、この18か月間にじっくり育ったブリを100匹をとって港のほうまでもったきました、そこからトラック移動で空港に運んでいきますが。僕は港でブリとの別れになりました。今回は本当にいいロケと感じました、最高においしいブリを食べさせてもらって。皆さんと仲良くができて本当によかったと思いました。僕はロケ番組が好きな理由は新しい出会いがありながら、新しいものを覚えるチャンスでもあります。今朝送ったブリは何と48時間以内でだれかNew Yorkの寿司屋で食べるのを考えると本当にすごいことです。次回はシイタケのロケが待っています。鹿児島名物の黒酢の畑です。。。なんか面白いよね、そこで3年も寝かすそうです。

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