Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The thing is...

The thing is that once I start to think about things in life that have true meaning, then the words just tend to pour out of me. I don't know how to stop it and I don't know if I really want to stop it. I think a lot when I am driving my bike, or even when I just sit down in front of my computer. I don't want to just sit here and talk about my training, because that is my job. I train because I both like it and because I have to. It is not the issue of why I started a blog, I wanted to be able to say what I felt like and also hear what others have in mind. Lately there are no comments on my blog, but that is OK, 'cause I know the number of hits everyday. And they don't lie, so I know that you are out there reading this and following up on what is going on in my life. It is all good, but this Charity Auction that I have been writing about a lot lately has made me wonder. It has started my train of thoughts and often that leads me to somewhere I cannot foresee. But this is a good thing, because just living everyday and going through the motions is not enough. We must be able to live a bit everyday, if we cannot live a bit everyday then why bother at all. Life is really about finding the balance between making a living and doing that at something you like. And then there is family, family is undeniable the best thing you can have. I feel lucky and blessed for being brought up in parts of the world that have been so peaceful. I know we cannot choose where we are born, or to what parents, but ask that of a starving child in the desert of Namibia? Or ask that of a child born in the Bronx to drug addicts parents, giving their first child the gift of AIDS as a celebration of being born into this world, on top of that the child is born out of a womb that has been abusing drugs. And therefore it must go on immediate drug rehab just to survive. Even in this peaceful world that I am fortunate enough to live in, there are babies being left on the streets. A place in Japan recently decided to put a box outside a hospital in where people could leave kids no questions asked! Within the first 2 months there had been dropped off 5 children, and the oldest being 5 years old...I have been very through very hard times myself, but that was never an option. I can't understand it, but at the same time these people are often pushed to the limits and going back is not that easy. So I try to help where I can, I can't do much but if I see someone less fortunate asking for help. I often help, even when I know that by giving this person money it might be wasted on booze or drugs. But at least it makes me feel like I tried. Education is the true winner in this world, if we help educate everyone to a level where common knowledge and understanding is the standard. Then people might slowly change, and change for the better. It is what we don't know that makes us fear, so in life if you don't know something then find out and you might get surprised. It was a long entry today, and I am sorry that my Japanese is not good enough to write these kinds of things.

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