Sunday, September 21, 2008

Janjira Gym first aniversary !

Last night I went to the Janjira Muay Thai Gym, for their first aniversary!It was really nice to hook up with Shin, the owner of the gym again. We used to train in the Saekson Janjira Gym in South LA, more than 10 years ago. It brings back a lot of great memories, and seeing how he was teaching the kids I knew that he was keeping the Janjira spirit alive. I didn't know he had opened up a gym, so when I bumped into him at the Korakuen recently I was so surprised. I really want to go back there and train together, it is such a real Thai gym, and I am sure that he will have some good fighters coming out of there soon enough.

昨日はJanjira Muay Thai Gymの1年記念Partyに行きました。10年前にロスにあったSaekson Janjira先生のもとで自分とJanjira Japanジムの会長Shinさんと出会って、よく一緒に練習しました。試合にも一緒に出ましたし、本当に懐かしい仲間との再会が出来てうれしいです。ジムは本当のタイ式で外から見えるので最高にいいです。僕もこれから顔を出してまた一緒に練習したいです。一年よく頑張っていい生徒さんがついているんじゃない。この一年は10年になるように頑張ってほしいです。


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