Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Yes, the next date for the SMOKERS PARTY in ZEST EBISU is set for the 31st. of October and as you already know that is HALLOWEEN. I guess we are all going to have to dress up for it and go trick 'r treating! I can't wait for this next event, it is going to be a great show, and we are also already in the process of booking for the next show in Dec. That one is going to be big too!

次回のSMOKERSの日程は決まりました!10月31日です EBISU ZESTでハロウィーンPARTYにしました。皆さん何を着てこられますか?僕たちもいろいろと考えていますので、頑張ってHALLOWEENを盛り上げましょう。僕は誰よりも楽しみにしているので絶対に面白いイベントになると思います。よろしくお願いします!

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