Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Goodmorning !

My leg is getting better and my mind is feeling ready to start up again, I can't sleep and wake up early. I can tell that it is time to start moving again, I like having a routine. It gets me into a rhythm that I can deal with mentally, but since it is still the holidays for the kids. I don't need to get up early in the morning, I haven't started any real training yet. So there is no reason for me to get up early, but my body wants to get up and I seem to just wake up early all by myself. My weight since the fight has been going a bit up and down, but basically that is because I have been eating whatever was in front of me. I have not been concerned with what I ate, but now I am tired of just eating to satisfy myself. I need to eat properly again, not just because it is the right thing to do. But because it is what makes me feel better, and the first step to rehab is about being in contact with both your mind and body. And eating right gets me in the right mind frame. Apart from that I found out that "Samurai Hearts" has got an English page too. So if you want to either buy or just check it out then go on and click on the link.

朝は今早く起きる竜理由ないのに自然と目が覚めるんです。この何年も毎日はほとんど同じようなリズムで生活をしてきたので朝起きたらまずはランニング~、そして練習!でも、今は怪我でそんな出来ないのに体は早くそのリズムに戻ろうとしている。試合から体重はあがったり下がったりしていたのですが、それは単純に目の前にあったものを食べていただけ。でもそのリズムも僕は嫌いです、ちゃんと食べて運動している自分は好きです。リハビリはこの前からゆっくりと始めたけど、体はもっとやりたいって感じがするけど。昔はそれで何回も失敗したことがあるので、今はがまんして本当に治すことしか頭ないです。治ったあとはいくらでも出来るから。そして、Samurai Heartsの英語ページも出来たみたいです、是非見てください。http://samuraihearts.com/

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