Friday, August 22, 2008

Work and meeting people

Yesterday I was meeting with some old friends, and it was a good thing. I had not seen them all in such a long time, and now that we are all grown up a bit. Our conversations tend to focus more on work related things, or how big our kids have become. I enjoyed some good food and wine, this done in good company beats everything else. I feel very fortunate to have so many friends in so many different places, I can almost travel all over the world and meet someone I know. Last time in Hawaii, a very good friend of mine came to help me out at the fights and just to hang out a bit after. The timing was perfect, because both Koichi and I got injured, so if we needed anything he was there for us. He had flown in from San Francisco.

昨日は昔からの友人たちと食事をしながらいろんな話をしました。最高の仲間と食事と楽しい時間を過ごせるのは何よりも幸せです。本当に久しぶりに会ったら、やっぱりお互いに少し年をとった気もします。我々の話は仕事や子供の成長を中心になりました。僕は世界中に友がいるので本当に幸せ感じる、この前のハワイにもSan Franciscoから20年前から知っている友達は試合を見に、手伝いにきてくれたのも実際に最高に嬉しかったです。試合後Koichiも自分もぜんぜん駄目だったので、友人に本当にお世話になりました。

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