Saturday, July 19, 2008

one blue eyed samurai to another blue eyed samurai

Alex Bennet, 6th. Dan in Kendo, lived in Japan for 20 years. A true Samurai or I would even say another Blue Eyed Samurai. I had the pleasure of meeting Alex at the Budo-Kan for an interview at the HQ of the Kendo section there. My first impression of Alex was how sincere he seemed, he has a very pleasant air about himself and carries himself very well. I first say him when he walked in and spoke Japanese to the people working at the Kendo office. His Japanese is more fluent than mine and he wears Tatami layered sandals. Even the Japanese don’t choose that kind of traditional foot wear, because they are so western influenced, and often feel embarrassed to get down with their own roots. Alex knows good things when he sees them, and so do I. I have been wearing the same kind of traditional foot wear for years, only recently to have changed to a pair of leather sandals from Timberland. Oh, they are good too…But the thing about meeting another foreign Martial Artist in Japan, is kind of eerie, I mean although we have chosen different tools to get the same kind of experiences with Japanese culture, and we have been exposed to it to such an extend that it has come to shape our lives. We just have to look in each others eyes and see our own reflection there, it was amazing to speak with Alex, and the fact that he was so very knowledgeable about his passion only made the interview that much better. I seriously felt a great connection and am sure that we will meet again. Alex located in Kyoto, and I here in Tokyo, but our paths will have a chance to cross again. And for that time, I look forward to sharing both drinks and awesome conversation. It has been an honor to meet someone like Alex Bennet, like seeing a ghost or a reflection of myself. The Blue Eyed Samurai Spirit still lives.剣道6段、Alex Bennet 日本に来日してから20年、京都にもう一人の青い目の侍がいました。この前のNHK番組のおかげでAlexさんに会うことができました、日本武道館の中にある剣道本部に行って取材しました。僕は聞くほうでしたけど。いろいろと似ている話はたくさんありまして、あっと言う間私たちの話は盛り上がりました。選んだ武道は違うけど同じようなみちを歩んできた私たちは話しやすかったです!本人は剣道を日本着てから覚えたんですが、僕は空手を学ぶためにきました。Alexさんは留学生で柔道をやるか剣道をやるかって言う選択しかなかったです、学校では空手部はなかったので剣道に出会いました。たぶん暇だったので練習はいつの間に毎日何時間もやるようになりました、Alexさんにはぴったりでした。なぜか?剣道を好きじゃなかった僕は少しできるようになるとものすごくはまりました、それから一回国に帰って日本に本格的に修行をしたいから戻ってきました。それは何ともう20年になります!僕は大山総裁にあこがれて日本に内弟子をやるために来日。その自分は好きな武道との出会いは違うと言えながら、結果は日本の文化、生き様と気合にほれて離れることなかったです。本人は京都に住んでいるので会うのに何かないとあえないですが、連絡をとってカメラが回っていないところでお酒を飲みながらゆっくり話したいです。

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